
DestLo coming 2020!

If VV takes over, I’d be happy...

No announcing this during the #remove eververse time was going on with have been bad. Coming off a dlc that has pacified us and the major dlc peek coming on Tuesday. It’s excellent timing.

This is my dilemma as well. I haven’t played since last year. And with destiny it’s all about the raid. I want to try the raid lair but I don’t remember how the normal raid goes let alone the lairs.

Chris Evans did it so why not...

You are a rare breed that likes movies on DVD and there is nothing wrong with that. However most people buy a DVD and watch it once if that, but let that same movie come on TV and we’ll watch it. Humans are strange like that

Im going to get a sign that say SHUT UP KITE, its not racist tho and see how people handle it. Like if you gonna be racists don’t HIDE about it dammit, own your racism. We get it you had a sign in a bar that black people don’t go to. Therefore no one complained and you felt it was OK. Black people showed up and

she doesn’t...not yet

I thought people stop tellin these type of lies once we left high school...

some young white adults feel that it isn’t that bad (singing it). Now I’m sure they wont admit it, but it is how they feel privately and I am sure that a higher number than we believe sing that word when they are around their friends or alone...

The best part about this was the pizza hut ad in the middle

This is idiotic, there is nothing in D1 that you can get into solo that you can’t. If you really have issues soloing the story, a strike Poe then you probably don’t have thumbs..

You can run the D1 story solo with no issues. Stop trolling destiny

Is this post a joke. How can you call yourself an earnest player and you haven’t logging in since April? Are you really getting mad at a game people played 4-6 hours a day for THREE yearsm? Did you honestly expect that two weeks after the sequel droped anyone to be playing out? I honestly feel like you intentionally

The original was horrible, I’m glad snl stole it they made it great. On a side note watch adults ordering clowns becomes a thing now

Before you give your thoughts on CE, you should prolly FINISH CE...

I feel like I just read 2,000+ words of nothing

Not that I think your wrong but it’s sad that someone will create a lawsuit based on “I can’t find anyone one the game”

Bar scene was in first trailer, wasn’t a reshoot

Because reasons