
You lost me when you said civil war flopped

I agreed with you fully until you said green lantern

So the government should just ban whatever they don’t want us to do in your eyes huh? What do you think North Carolina would do with that rule?

Umm they actually do cig tax goes up between 31-1.01 cents a year. Half goes to cancer research or a program that funds an aspect of medical related programs ie preg mothers, mrdicaid

It’s doing pretty well. The game has steadily ranked in top 6 in twitch streams even ahead of the division and uncharted 4

He actually got more on the first movie RDJ was almost washed up n Howard was off of an ocsar. They just didn’t want to play the supporting more than the lead after they found out IM had legs

I’m going to call bs on this. Every year we hear these stories, people are attention whores. First it was a brick, then wood, now wood with a pends on it. The next person with have a somthing to top this. You open a ps4 box with a block of wood and you call the press, get your story 100 gift card, a game and of course