
Saltine ass comments. If you “don’t know who Remy Ma is” or you think this is “in bad taste” the rest of us need you to have a stadium full of seats. This is hip-hop. And it is fucking delicious.

A really great aspect of this interview is Fat Joe’s silence—he appears alongside Remy to promote their recent Plata O Plomo collabo album, but says very very little throughout the interview

“I’m a born-again Christian,”

Blue Ivy in the building

She looks like a wax figure of Lea Michele.

Looking at these fashions in the context of our political environment, I realize we now live in the Hunger Games.

There is evidence pointing to her faking her pregnancy with Blue Ivy. This just adds to the suspicions.

She’s just conceited. Famous, wealthy people tend to think they’re extra important than us peasants.

This whole shoot is just so very...extra? I’d expect nothing less of Beyoncé, of course, and she should do what she likes. But it all just seems so strange—how very odd to be her and live that kind of life and to do weird things like this photoshoot.

They’re intertwined, though. You can’t just separate them like that. White supremacists are happy to bring institutionalized violence against white women who don’t acknowledge white men as their superiors.

Loved the piece. The only thing that annoys me is the seeming assumption that white supremacists consider white women to be fully human, instead of just more desirable breeding chattel.

back atcha


Jezebel is the fucking definition of predictable.

So we can expect you at the next Farmworkers march right? Or the next immigrations march? Or at Standing Rock (which IIRC, you did not attend?).

I think it’s interesting to watch a metaphorical infant taking its first steps, and then trash said infant for not being able to run a 40-yard-dash in record time. That, to me, is what this article does.

Yeah, that’ll make the first-time marchers feel great. Can we stop picking at people who gave enough of a shit to come out and march in January, and then tell them it isn’t good enough? I think all women need to be respectful of the new-to-protest women who are now galvanized. Coming together on commonalities and