Yung Crock

i've stated before, but I'm really worried about how LLN will work if people try to binge watch this show. Since the re-caps at the beginning of the show are actually part of the show and not something pre-show, that could make for a rather repetitive marathon

i'm really worried that because the "previously on" is actually part of the show that it will diminish the binge watchability of this show.

Its really, really bad. I watched all 10 episodes and didn't find myself caring about any character or plotline. The first two times you think the climax is going to happen they skip over it and say J/K! so by the time it actually occurs its so anticlimatic you are left wondering if there was some other plotline

totally agree.. if this was on TV i would have given up after 2-3 episodes, like i did with Vikings and Falling Skies and all the fox sci-fi shows from the past decade (remember that one where humans had to time travel to live with dinosaurs? wtf?).

it was really droll. the production value is there but damned if it doesn't miss every single marker you want out of show like this. You think the climax is happening twice and each time they weirdly jump ahead and say "J/K!" and by the time it happens (in the 10th episode instead of the 7th or 8th or 9th) it falls

the hulu blog post spends 3 paragraphs priding itself on bringing Fargo into the fold and doesn't actually mention the other shows.

They need to put You're The Worst on there immediately, there is absolutely no new tv on for the next 3 weeks and theres a bunch of college kids and best-of-2014-list readers needing something to spend 4-5 hours with. Whats the point of waiting til "prior to the season premieres"!?!??!

Nothing spoiled. Homosexuality would still exis obvi. I was talking about identity. 100 years ago Gay didnt exist, its very likely in 100 years it wouldn't exist either.

"gay" is a completely post-modern post-industrial socio-cultural construct. It would make sense that identity politics and non-reproducing identities would again be subliminated once survival is something individuals actually have to deal with again.

If this contract was written when there was a chance that Rafael would die from cancer, wasn't it giving legal status/guardianship of his sperm to Petra? thats how I understood the claim to exist.

Writer: where are you going to watch the first 3 episodes? they aren't on hulu anymore.

this was the naked lady kung fu episode, right? thats the worst scene of the show… until the orgy scene of ep5.

this show is not good. I want to like it, but it is bad.