
Undertale's playfulness with meta, hardware tricks, and willingness to veer into straight horror really played a number on me. I know it's a game everyone's a little tired of hearing about, but let's be honest— none of us were ready for the things that game would pull.

Well, the most trolly thing he could do would be to name it MGS III like he was apparently planning at one point.

When I was binging GTAIV, I definitely caught myself looking at a cop car parked by the side of the road and thinking, "yeah, I could steal that."

Oh shit, that's myself.

I know, "I keep telling you, he's ninety-six and he's dead," but damn will Alan Young's work as Scrooge be missed. If I get around to this, it's gonna be weird as hell not having his voice be the character.

Presumably, it will be too dark to see him clearly.

Excellent! Justice comes in on the side of right, and maybe I can go one goddamn week without seeing headlines about Taylor Swift or having to think about Taylor Swift.

"Kent," hmm? I dunno, sounds pretty Hunnish.

Upvoted for making some really good points about Conan the Barbarian that I'm sure Howard, a huge history nerd, would have loved to hear.

Yeah, the Spartans murdered babies, hunted slaves, and were opposed to Greek democracy and Athenian intellectualism. They were more opposed to human rights and the concept of "western civilization" than Persia was. Xerxes was waging a war of conquest and was hardly a hero, but Sparta was an authoritarian war cult.

That's disgusting. Like I'd ever let Dan Harmon in my house.

I cannot decide if a I want to throw up a "The AV Club" or just go all-out and do "Rick and Morty Discussion."

It's staggeringly clever, and it was doing commentary on TV and the nature of media just as sharp as 30 Rock did.

I remember the one where Frasier and Martin bond over a shared love of Antiques Roadshow being really endearing.

Ooo, "relentlessly upbeat." That's the kind of Beck I dig.

Nah, the assclowns are those other band, the one Nabin likes.

Saw a werewolf drinkin a Trump water at Trump Tower.
And his hair was… um… Jesus, where do I start?

Well, it's my understanding that socialists feed on misery, so that makes sense.

I don't write articles, but I obviously condemn the Holomodor (and all of Stalin's crimes) and Mao's murder and starvation of his own people. And I don't really know why the fuck my stance on child rape matters; obviously it's bad, but it also obviously has nothing to do with economic theory or Marxist philosophy. If

Except that Gibbon's use of the 3x3 grid, combined with the lack of sound effects, motion lines, panel disruption, or other signifiers of motion is a deliberately unstylized and slowly-paced work. Moore and Gibbons are using the form and structure to try and convey a real-world and real-time sense of time and pacing,