
Disqus has Breitbart as a client, so they really can't implement that option.

I actually dig Death Proof way more. I know it's more boring and cheap, but it does a way better job of feeling like an actual grind house film and capturing the charm. I love to throw on some Roger Corman or the like to relax on a slow evening, and it fits pretty neatly alongside that kinda stuff.

Which is why it's bad to portray other races as them.

Given that I only ever see you show up to complain that other people are offended and you're so wise for not being offended, maybe you should find a stomping ground where you'll actually find something to enjoy.

If I remember right, it's a result of the Coens trying to get him to do a Mexican accent over his Spanish accent and then loving the weird and mangled result.

I'd still argue that it's been hugely influential on action movies as a whole, though. From certain plot points ("we got the bad guy! Oh no, it was his plan!") to the general bloat and narrative structure. The Dark Knight is the reason that blockbusters are now 150 minutes long, bad guys got really weird and twitchy

Yeah, imagine if this was a fantasy film— the good guys would definitely not be the child-murdering slavers and pedophiles who lived in a society-wife cult of death and hunted humans for sport. The Spartans are about as comically evil as you can get.

He's tall as hell with piercing eyes and a gruff voice; it's amazing it took so long to make him an action hero. Darkman got it right— he's a handsome and gentle man who can be goddamn terrifying in the right context.

Oh, definitely. There's bits and pieces that are utterly magnificent on a visual level— some of the CGI had gorgeous details, like the fabric texture in Rorschach's mask. I'd love to see what could have happened if he was, say, the editor or cinematographer of the film.

There's a scene in the film where Leonidas refers to the Athenians as "boy lovers," which, come on, pots and kettles and all that.

Yeah, those two are dead-on, and the Dr. Manhattan origin scene is a pretty perfect adaptation (and a great use of Phillip Glass). I have my issues with the film, but it's a B/B+ movie for the most part— it just happened to a be adapted from one of the foundational texts of a whole genre and an all-time great book.

Yes. He had a flight to Cuba, and was planning to move to Ecuador and apply for permanent asylum there. He was traveling through Russia because he couldn't stop in any countries where he had a high risk of being arrested and was thus taking a circuitous route. Countries in South America have offered him asylum, but he

God help me, but I cannot rag on Jai Courtney after seeing Suicide Squad and watching him be the only person trying to make that movie fun. I felt like he, how would I say this… had my back.

Fair enough! I see a lot of people who are progressive but are both uncomfortable with the tenor of the feminist or anti-right Internet left and overstate its power and reach, which is what I had misread your point as. Cheerfully withdrawn.

By getting his passport revoked while in a Russian airport? You know he wants to leave Russia and has been applying for asylum at other countries, right?

They like Russia, but not commies— they're 100% on board with the post-Soviet pseudo-capitalist kleptocracy, because at least Putin is butch.

Sorry, I may have misread your statement— when you said he McCarthy era was an apt comparison, I thought you were referring to the person being fired for his political views, especially as saying that there was an argument to be made indicated you felt that there was, y'know, an argument to be made that this was the

Oh, yeah, no issue with your statement— it was the followup that said it was an apt comparison which I took issue with, and may have misread.

I mean, they cite Animal Farm as an anti-socialist text when it's about how a virtuous socialist movement was betrayed as its rulers turned back into capitalists and is pretty soft on its Trotsky surrogate. And he, you know, took a bullet fighting for socialism.

McCarthyism is only going to be an apt comparison the day we give two anti-feminists the electric chair, the FBI opens up files on every member of an MRA forum, and Anita Sarkeesian gets people put in prison. Let's not compare people being sensitive about diversity on the internet to a state-sponsored purge and