
I liked when they showed me the things I recognized and they played the song I recognized.

So, since you're reading it, minor spoilers here, even though the book's plot is incredibly predictable.

Tell me about it. I wish I'd known before I spent two years at community college getting certified as a Baby Merchant.

I imagine that most publishing jobs in New York are, in fact, best represented by mid-80's bro-realist masterpiece Vampire's Kiss. As are most jobs working with Nicolas Cage.

"I will go dark. And then I will reemerge. As me."

Hear hear. I don't like Phantom Menace, but it looks like a real movie, with props and sets and makeup and depth of field and film grain. Clones looks like an FMV cutscene AND has maybe the most nonsensical plot in film history.

That was what it was like for me with Django Unchained. Me, my friend, my fiancee, and a party of five other people in an empty theater, who were all cheering whenever a racist got shot. Hell of a time.

Oh man, I saw Blazing Saddles in a packed theater too. That was a trip. So, so much fun being there with everyone laughing their asses off— it really made the film feel fresh and surprising.

Only God Forgives. I'm one of the handful of people who love that film, and I think a lot comes down to having seen it in the theater. It has such an oppressive atmosphere and is a violent assault on the senses, but I think that the mood and power of it wouldn't have hit me nearly as hard. By the end of the movie I

At least he's only replacing John Hurt, which is a lateral move as far as wonderful British character actors go. If they had announced he was playing Rasputin or some fey monarch or the Devil himself, that would be the kind of thing that would shake my stubbornness about this project.

Devil's Backbone is its equal, I'd say. And Hellboy 1 had really good character work and dialog, even if the plot was kind of insubstantial. Hellboy II is the only one of his where I would say the story and plotting are outright bad, rather than serviceable-at-worst.

Eh, call me when they finally make District Dafoe or A Horse Named Keanu.

In all fairness, that mask was clearly modeled on his actual face, which was a great decision. It has Dafoe's exact nose and cheekbones.

Eh, 1.8 billion for one of the largest, most-trafficked websites in the world seems like kind of a crummy deal, to be fair. It's the fifth-most visited site in the US and the 9th in the world, and their best-case value if they sold everything is still less than half of what Verizon paid for Yahoo.

You really don't have to poke hard in Reddit to find the sewage either. It's baked into the culture of the site. I browse a couple subreddits once in a while. The D&D 5e subreddit seems like a bunch of nerds giving advice on how to have fun and occasionally taking it too seriously, but once I clicked on a user's name

Arguably the only good thing about being a big fat guy is getting to make fat jokes about people like Chris Christie. It almost makes up for it.

Nah, Trump's Robotnik. Christie and Giuliani are Scratch and Grounder from the Sonic cartoon— one fat and sluggish, one hint and shrill, both stupid and desperate for praise from their bloated and hateful boss, only to be rejected at every turn.

This is why Her Story's one of my favorite narrative-driven games: when you get enough to put the whole plot together, it doesn't tell you. It just asks if you fee like you understand. No confirmation, no "truth," just asking that you try and be comfortable with what you know.

"I get why people liked it, even loved it, but for me it just didn't have enough meat to it."

If you haven't played Beginner's Guide, it's worth a look. Probably the masterpiece of the genre— borrows heavily from Nabokov's Pale Fire in its structure, and hit me harder on an emotional level than any other game I've played.