
"How, in the name of ZEUS'S! BUTTHOLE! did you develop a formula for measuring a rate of change at a fixed point?"

Sanibel Island is a really beautiful 10 square miles, but it is mostly nature reserve, beaches, and an amazing fried chicken restaurant.

Instead of beating every Maine resident once, can we simply beat your governor thousands of times?

It means joining with a bunch of Syrian Marxists, maybe shooting at ISIS, and generating good headlines.

I'm at work today, so… yes, a little.

Supply-side economics is basically a form of Christianity.

Thank you for not pluralizing Revelation.

Neil Young had been an old grump for 40 years and I love him for it.

Oof, same here. Ok the bright side, I used about half of them to decorate my bass guitar, and it looks awesome.

That's a bingo! I started buying cassettes specifically because I bought a 2006 Volvo that had a cassette deck but no AUX port.

The ritual's a big part of it for me. I find going out and browsing record stores to be fun, I discover new things, and it makes me get more engaged with my music instead of putting on the same Spotify playlist for the tenth time. And I like having a nice-looking physical object instead of a data license.

Yeah, Harding's legendary shittiness is more just a relic of the fact that his was the first administration to be corrupt and poorly-run at a time when that could be covered in detail. The Teapot Dome scandal was basic cronyism— Trump, Reagan, and Bush have done shit worse than a shady oil deal involving government

A George Lucas "neck."

Yeah, it's very snappy. It also feels a lot more curdled and cynical than you'd expect a 70-something literary icon to write. There's a definite brashness to it and a rough edge to its satire that feels like a younger person's novel.

The Heart Goes Last is… weird. I read it a couple months ago, and I love its premise and the dystopian underpinnings, but I found the characters to be a little too unlikeable to really get into it. That premise, though, was enough to carry a lot of the weight, and she does a good job of building a truly awful and evil

His wife got robbed at gunpoint and he suffered a major bipolar episode that required hospitalization.

Only in my heart.

Wiseau wouldn't let them make the movie unless they cast a handsome movie star as him. His first choice was Depp, so we can all be thankful we dodged that bullet.

I'm surprised he's a clean water advocate, given his bad experience with that well.

Second Asshole Presidency— let's not forget Jackson, who caused a depression out of spite.