
It's really, really good. A lovely and restrained old-fashioned movie for adults— very un-showy and classical, and made with impeccable craftsmanship.

He is one of the most staggeringly incompetent critics in the business. I don't just mean this in terms of "he has shitty opinions," but in terms of basic execution of his job duties. His review of Nightcrawler referred to the movie as "Nightcrawlers" in every single mention, for example. Even Nabin can get that right!

While the thing of TV viewers thinking Kennedy won is true, it's a pretty big correlation/causation issue— TV viewers were also more likely to be young and urban, while radio listeners were often more rural and older. It's less likely that Kennedy's handsomeness and body language won, and more that TV viewers were


Google pays fine in cash, will take that statue of Justice too.

I'm glad Reagan's dead.

Ha, Trump has no friends. Trump was too heartless and self-absorbed for Roy Cohn.

Not technically civilization.

Ironically, his work wouldn't be so helpful if Trump getting elected hadn't moved us closer to fusing with he GTA timeline.

I loved that, after casting a Swede to play a Russian in the first movie, they just doubled down on Stormare in the sequel. Also because Stormare improves everything.

Mr. Trump is disabled, yes.

It reminds me of the pull quotes Tommy Wiseau made up for The Room's trailers, which were unattributed and spelled Tennessee Williams' name wrong.

It's like a naked mole rat, complete with teeth and vestigial eyes.

I don't think investigative journalists really qualify as "rich."

It's many things. I'd imagine it's a low-grade version of a thneed.

I'd imagine just one more season. "Lantern" brought us to a place where the route forward was clear and Jimmy's transformation felt inevitable. Also, it would feel weird if it had more seasons than Breaking Bad did.

Favorite arc is the 11th hour— it's a great concept, and it's designed to fit the way the boys play really well. Favorite bit, though, is the actual race in Petals— goddamn, that's just thrilling, and is probably tres horny boys at their best and most competent.

Man, Joker may be bland and laid-back, but goddamn is he an improvement over the P4's protagonist. At least Joker smirks and shows off and has some personality in his outfit and body language. P4's protagonist is like a blank-model android the factory forgot to finish.

Chris Avellone, man— the guy knows his stuff.

I'm only 1.5 playthroughs deep and I can already tell it's my frontrunner. I can just feel that it's going some weird, beautiful places.