
I'm doing flips and twirls, motherfucker! Getting goddamn whimsical! Helping these shitlip kids fight nightmares and being the dick-swinginest androgynous dream-harlequin around!

Louise Mensch claims a lot of things.

No liberals actually like Reagan. Even moderate Democrats who praise him just do it because Republicans throw shitfits if anyone tries to say that the senile arms-dealing bigot whose negligence helped cause a literal plague was actually bad at his job.

That just means you believe in society's lies.

Or the Game Gear. Or the Sega CD.

Oh yeah, Oorta's fantastic. And Rez, which has very similar mechanics, just got a VR release, so there's definitely potential.

It was, kinda. The Dreamcast just wasn't enough of a success to make up for the giant money-sucking hole that the Saturn was, because nothing could be. And then their CEO died.

Sadly impossible— Sega being Sega, they goofed and lost all the source code. A true remaster would have to be built from the ground up.


You're not wrong, except that nobody should make Alien 5. But Villeneuve is more suited to the ominous, monolithic dread of the original than even Scott is now— his last three movies have all had stretches that felt like the sequence exploring the crashed ship, even if it was just "Jake Gylllenhaal is watching a

Nah, it's more that, once a news outlet covers a story, they typically continue covering it as it develops. It wouldn't really make sense for them to cover the initial allegations, which absolutely were news, without continuing to post updates on the story.

*leans down, breathes heavily into microphone.*

Oh man, thanks for the link!

Been really neglecting the written word, both my own writing and my reading. Going through some Arthur Machen short fiction, though— even if it was being done to get ideas for a DnD adventure I'm planning, it was definitely a worthwhile endeavor. This stuff is creepy and weird in a way that feels neglected by a lot of

Especially when the musician's last three albums have all been released for free on a pay-what-you-want scale.

Yeah, ISWYD broke my head when I first heard it. I'd been into Aesop for a while (via his collaboration with John Darnielle, who I will follow anywhere) and recognized El-P from that. Then those dark, dense beats hit me and just threw me off the deep end.

Yeah, I'm so happy to see El-P get huge, and RTJ3 is my album of the year, but I do miss just how dark and unhealthy his work from this era could get. There's nothing he's doing now that is as raw and bleak as "Stepfather Factory" or "TOJ."

El's turn of the millennium work also inspired Elvis Costello's When I Was Cruel, which is a pretty awesome and varied legacy to have.

Yeah, I can buy that. Based on what I know and have heard, it seems like Def Jux was a lot of very intense, very passionate people who were all getting pretty frayed, and Camu dying blew the whole thing apart. I'm glad that El and Aes have the decency to not talk shit in public— both of those guys made work that's

Because lots of tart or sour things taste good, such as lemonade, chevre cheese, balsamic vinegar, etc. Sour beer is fermented with the same microbes that make sourdough bread, so it's not like it's some bizarre tortuous thing. It's just beer that tastes a little sour.