
I fucking hate that apparently my new role is to go around this website defending Kansas of all bands, but Masque is a kickass record, no one alive doesn't feel a little giddy at that guitar riff from "Carry On," and if the keyboard section from "Journey to Mariabronn" was good enough for the Decemberists to lift

The genre has a lot of good female characters, true. That list is a really good example! (Except for River Tam, who is like a big ball of Joss Whedon's worst impulses.) But having a lot of good female characters doesn't erase the huge amount that aren't or the sexism that has been present in the genre for decades— you

Castle of Fu Manchu is the worst MST3K movie and I will hear no arguments. Even Manos had charm and legitimate weirdness to it.

They're probably just jealous and want to play Metal Gear with you.

Wow, belligerent and uncreative to boot! I can see why you like Snyder films if you think calling people triggered snowflakes is actually clever.

I said yep, what a concept.

Nah, the instant you start using snowflake as an insult you've ceded all moral high ground in a debate, sorry.

Oh man, I've been operating under that belief for years. Thanks for correcting me!

I don't think that fully-adult sexy women being born as naive blank slates are actually that common outside of SF. It's a pretty genre-specific trope.

Thank you. I was wondering if anyone was going to point out the extreme irony of him commenting on this subject.

That sounds dangerously close to questioning Joss Whedon's feminist credentials, which isn't allowed on the internet.

There's only one example I've seen make this work, which is Alasdair Gray's novel Poor Things. Of course, that's a retelling of Frankenstein (or a sci-fi version of Pygmalion) in which an infant's brain is implanted in an adult woman's cadaver, which is a little more literal than I think this video is about.

The way I've always phrased it is that he's the best he could possibly be and still be Pope. He also refocuses the church on the issues that should actually be the core of Christianity—poverty, social justice, and human decency—rather than actively pursuing a revanchist agenda. Even on the issues where he's a

He's like a one-man version of Herzog directing Kinski, complete with being incapable of remembering his lines. That he wrote.

A 3-5 point margin is a hell of a lot less stable than a 20-point polling margin, though. Even the sites running headlines like "Macron PLUMMETS in polls as Le Pen SURGES" are referring to polls showing her only trailing by 12-15 points.

By 16 years, yes.

Hey, let's be fair— Bernie doesn't believe in purity tests when it comes to choice and women's rights.

My political highlight of the past few days: "Both my sons love the outdoors," says Trump, father of three sons, at an NRA rally.

I am very tired of the argument that he would have swept the election, as though his current approval ratings would have been exactly the same after months of GOP ads about him being an agnostic socialist Jew and after months of him being in front of cameras, where he is not great. I voted for the guy in the primaries

That's like when I tried to read Sax Rohmer. I love Robert Howard, and I can handle Lovecraft, so I thought, "The Fu Manchu books are a staple of pulp literature, I bet they're a fun read and that their racism feels like a product of the times."