
I'm not sure if it got a huge amount of advertising, or if it got minimal exposure and that name and catchphrase were just so stupid as to render it unforgettable.

Yeah— the series has its problems, but whereas most games with gay representation are set in space or a magical setting, I do appreciate that Persona, even if it doesn't handle the issue brilliantly, acknowledges that some teenage kids in the real world get confused about their sexual orientations and deal with

Oh yeah, Magnets is fantastic. Both those albums are really strong all the way through— New Clear Days has a great combination of pop hooks and sneering social commentary that reminds me of Costello.

The Jawbreaker cover kicks ass too.

Yep. It means flat as in deliberately shallow or artificial. He also did the cover for Kanye's Graduation.

Poor The Vapors— one of those bands whose one hit really does them a disservice. The rest of that album is great, and I'd love to see the timeline where "Prisoners" or "Sixty Second Interval" got picked for the single instead.

Some gnostic readings of the gospel held that he was a rabbi and a preacher up until his baptism, at which point god adopted Jesus as his son— hence the dove and all. It's not official doctrine, but there's precedent.

I can see that, yeah. I just read that as him being completely oblivious to why she was uncomfortable— he mentions later that he doesn't get why people are bothered by nudity —but I'm also probably giving the game too much credit.

I definitely don't see Naoto as being explicitly trans or gender dysphoric, but the fact that she's so keenly aware of her gender, to the point that she doesn't publicly identify as female, was still something that I liked that the game broached. I definitely agree that she personally identifies as female, but the

Yeah, the mechanic where you get to see bones snap in X-ray feels pretty sadistic, and while Batman may not kill anyone, a whole lotta villains do die. I think the main difference is that the move to a sandbox changes it from "Batman has a series of obstacles he must solve in order to escape the asylum as the

Spider-Man's a franchise character created to be part of an ongoing series and larger universe, though. Watchmen's characters are all characters within one stand-alone novel, whose universe was entirely created by Moore, with a definite beginning and ending. They were never intended to become part of a series or part

Oh, I see it plenty.

Also, Yusuke's clueless, and I'm pretty sure he just did not get why it would be an issue for her to pose nude.

Dead on on the dour and grim— that game was really weirdly dark and gruesome. I'm not sure I needed Penguin dismembering a guy offscreen, the weird Harley pregnancy subplot, a serial killer who cuts off people's faces, and the like.

I'm glad that this opinion seems to be finally gaining traction. When City came out and I played it, I kept wondering why everyone was praising it for diluting the original and having worse level design.

Those weren't facets, they were polygons.

Persona is frustrating, but I'm willing to give it some credit for at least TRYING to deal with these issues, and occasionally doing so in an alright manner. In P4, for example, I never saw Kanji as straight (and I think the dub actor confirmed that he didn't play him as such)— although the game definitely dances

The idea of using humans as a neural network was actually the original idea; the studio thought that it would require the audience to know too much about how computers work.

Totally— as badass as the lobby fight is, that opening is probably the biggest laugh in the whole movie.

Yeah— he's mixed race, but he has Chinese and Pacific Islander ancestry, as reflected in the name. He's definitely cast as a white man, or at least in race-blind roles, but he has recognizably Asian features and he's said that the Chinese culture of his family was a big part of his childhood.