
You don't need to know anything about earlier games to get P5— I'd expect there will be some callbacks, but the Persona games are all relatively independent. Just be warned that it is a fairly slow, quiet game.

Altus is so, so good at quiet moments. I wasn't crazy about Catherine, even disregarding the sexual politics, but it was the first of theirs I played and the way that they handled the warm, lazy feeling of you and your buds killing time over beers just felt dead-on and made me really take notice.

Yeah, the VA work is really rough. Part of it seems to be a directing issue— it's painfully clear that none of the actors were in the same room at the same time, and there's frequently noticeable pauses between when one character speaks and another responds.

That's one of the things I'm living about it. It takes something fundamental and universal about being an adolescent— the lack of freedom and inability to make your own decisions —and extrapolates it to a literally supernatural degree. Being a teen is a goddamn prison, especially when the deck is stacked against you

Nah, regular republicans backed blocking Garland 100%. It's clear they don't actually care about democracy anymore.

This says something. Damned if I know what, but this expresses a fundamental truth.

I used to work in a bakery and coffee shop for about a month befor being fired due to a combination of our owner not knowing how to manage employees and me not being a good employee. Worth it, though, for the fact that everything vanilla we made used the real stuff and lots of it— the vanilla lattes were rich and not

My point is that boiling down this person's identity to "this woman wants to be a man" is obtuse and insulting.

I'm sorry I trod upon the cutting satirical wit of deliberately misgendering someone for laughs, I can see now that making fun of a queer person's identity was truly a contribution that needed to be made.

That's, um, explicitly not what being on-binary means. Like, it's in the name. And explained in the article.

Oh, get off it. They has been used as a singular pronoun for about 700 years.

She's a really swell person. And one of the only really famous musicians my mother's ever seen in concert, which is adorable.

I love that part of that section exists because, on the survey they passed out to figure out what people hated, someone wrote in "George Stephanopolous."

Oh hell yeah, David Warner! Such a perfect Random Roles candidate. I've loved seeing him as a That Guy since I saw Time Bandits as a kid.

No lie, that's the exact program they used in my current job to train us on how to handle prank callers. It was a trip.

I also think Predator made a brilliant choice.

I wish they hadn't even tried. The best laugh in the movie is JCVD deadpanning "what accent?"

What's especially weird is that Vernon Wells was tough and physically-imposing in The Road Warrior just three years earlier. I choose to believe that he got doughy and sad-looking as a character decision because he felt it suited Bennett.

Bad Lieutenant is one of my favorite movies of his, so I'll have to disagree. I found it to be really complex and affecting, and I loved that it was a quasi-remake of a deeply Catholic film that rejected all notion of sin and evil and just laid out that its protagonist was a sick man with chemical problems. It's also

If you're making a Rampage movie and the protagonists are not the giant monsters, you have fundamentally misunderstood the property.