
I like this one because it doesn't work for a very different reason that the others that don't work— "and then" belongs nowhere near that section of the book.

Because Bioshock Infinite is 4 years old at this point

There's been tons of articles about country music's issues with racism and love of Confederate iconography, though. For example, when Merle Haggard died last year a huge amount of the obituaries mentioned his political views and how modern country's lurched rightward over the past 20 years.

"I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in [Washington DC] are semi-criminal or entirely criminal."
— a thing Ron Paul, who voted against Martin Luther King Day, signed off on putting his name on

Yeah, there is this bizarre attitude in the comments that no one who's agreeing with the article could actually like metal, as though I haven't been driving around with a Judas Priest cassette in my tapedeck all week.

I love this story.

Your argument is "if you look at the Nazi propaganda, you'll see that Hitler wasn't as bad as you're saying." I don't care what the official Nazi part line was, I care about how they actually treated the Slavs— which was as su humans.

Yeah bro. Fuck Didion, Ferrante, Eliot, Woolf, Atwood, Shelley, Sexton, and all those other chick-lit authors.

The best part of the Bane voice is the mixing— he always sounds uncomfortably close to the audience, and it's a great, visceral way to make him feel physically imposing.

It's Vikernes, dude— the only black metal musician that a lot of people who aren't metalheads can name.

Bowie was obsessed with the aesthetics of fascism and the way that its cult of personality, based around public performance, mirrored the rock star life— he was also doing just mountains of cocaine. I would say that there's a difference between that and the way that the bands in question here use explicitly Nazi

There may be Nazis in other genres of music, but you'd be hard-pressed to find multiple disco bands who have put Hitler on the cover of their records. This shit is everywhere in metal, especially in more extreme subgenres— the world's most famous black metal artist is an avowed white nationalist.

Nothing says artistic rebellion like oompa music, neoclassical architecture, and realistic landscape paintings.

Not just what they shouldn't listen to— I had someone in the comments here once go off on me for being anti-free-speech because I said that I, personally, didn't want to buy things that would financially support Varg Vikernes.

Well, bottle and can deposits mean that the poor and homeless go out to collect bottles and cans, which means that we have to see them. Ugh.

Universal Harvester was an odd one for me. It's so amorphous and moody that I have a hard time processing it. The parts that work really, really work, though— the descriptions of the tapes made me feel uncomfortable and a vague sense of wrongness in a way that the written word very rarely does.

Thanks for pointing that out, because it was infuriating me that Lonergan just displayed less knowledge of ethical journalism that J. Jonah Jameson

Yep! College newspapers are bare-bones operations staffed almost entirely by volunteers and rarely read or distributed off-campus. This was a piece by a student writer with no public presence or influence and has only marginally more importance than a letter to the editor. For a professional adult at the top of his

Yeah, I had bought the story of "Affleck's a douche, by Lonergan seems like an alright guy and maybe he just didn't know."

The man's a millionaire Oscar winner with an even richer and more famous brother. If he never works again, his life will be less "ruined" than the best-case scenario for most of us.