
Danny Trejo owns a coffee shop. It's complete. The GTA timeline has finally overtaken our own.

I wouldn't say it's a bias— there's every chance that he, or others who are offended by it, don't know the context of it in the show. It's not as huge of a series in England, and the racist Kipling rhyme is better known. If you saw a T-shirt that featured a rhyme you knew as a racist joke superimposed over a bloody

I wouldn't say it was his best role, but it's the most he's ever outclassed a production. I couldn't stand that game, but he was excellent.

I had no idea the first two times I read Idoru that it was part of a trilogy— if I remember right, there's some recurring characters or settings, but the plot is totally standalone. You should be fine to jump in.

Anyone here read Idoru by William Gibson? Really cool— a lot of sci-fi's made neat guesses about the future, but I'd imagine that accurately predicting Hatsune Miku's existence is definitely one of the weirder futurist claims to come true.

That would just make it really depressing.

I could do without watching someone wish death on a celebrity for going through a manic episode, actually.

I can't understand what makes a man hate another man.

I'm right there with you. Some of the absolute best I've ever seen. It kills me that my DVD of his Bad Lieutenant doesn't have commentary, because I'd love to hear his thoughts on that movie.

"That building's dead now. They imploded it."

Fincher's got some great commentary. I'll always remember a bit at the end of Se7en, when Brad Pitt says he thinks it might be his favorite movie he's done. There's a long silence, and then Fincher says, "What about Fight Club?"

I wish more games had commentary tracks. I'd shell out a lot for an edition of Bioshock with commentary.

Herzog's are great, because he's so damn smart, has lots of great stories, and has that voice of his. The box sets they put out of his work a while back have some really good ones, like the Even Dwarfs Started Small commentary with Crispin Glover.

Those are all racist things that she repeatedly said. Sarcastically agreeing with me doesn't make them not have happened. Unless there's some non-racist way to complain about a black man playing Santa for black kids.

It was smart enough to also put meat between the chicken buns, which this one didn't do.

Hyperbolize all you want, insisting that a black man can't play Santa and that Jesus was white is a real fucked-up thing to say. I see you ignored the other thing, where she also kept hyping up a fictional crime wave in which she claimed that black men were randomly assaulting white people for no reason. She was also

Ah yes, reasonable conservatives like Megyn "the knockout game is an epidemic of black crime and both Santa and Jesus are white" Kelly.

"You gotta be extra unwatchable, Sean. For both of us."

Ranchos may be good pets, but they're no Ja'am, the sequel to dogs. They don't even have a secret face.

Cost the state lots of dough AND got the governor thrown out of a state that Trump won. There's no profit in it except maybe whipping up the base, but the GOP base has been angry about everything for years now.