

No not quite mop not quite puppet! You're not quite mop not quite puppet!

That is, in fact, exactly why I bought a six-pack in college, so that I could drink it while I watched Repo Man.

There's a track from "I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning," which somehow I remember despite not having seen the film in a decade.

The Swiss Army Man score is a masterpiece— like so much of the film, it feels like a parody of other twee indie scores (the sing-song melodies, a capella vocals, hand claps) while also being great in its own right. Add to that the way that it weaves jokes from the movie into the melody and how much it plays with the

I already have two animal skulls, a phrenology model, a bust of Lorenzo de Medici, and a Sonic the Hedgehog coin bank. I don't think I'm allowed to put any more creepy shit in my apartment.

Almost none of the major targets of the backlash were making that kind of "this offends me!" criticism, though. Zoe Quinn was targeted solely for saying that the industry was hard to work in as a woman, Jennifer Hepler said that she preferred story to gameplay and wanted games to be accessible to people with those

No, but it is several people making decisions together, one of whom, Lorne Michaels, wields an extreme amount of control.

As opposed to his usual weekend, which is pissing on him til he strokes off.

My favorite Jezebel descriptor for Donny remains "noted Donald Trump enthusiast." It's just so simple and clear.

I'm really digging the game so far— the combat's honestly more Bloodborne than Dark Souls, and the samurai-chic is so intense. You can do the trick where you run forward and unsheathe your katana at the last minute, for example. There's just a touch of God Hand in the combat system too, which is great to see.

Yeah— if the backlash had actually been remotely justified or spurred on by crazy feminist critics, it wouldn't happened to someone like Quinn, who made a handful of milquetoast political statements and ended up being the focus of an entire movement sparked by her vindictive ex, or to Jennifer Hepler, who said almost

You know which system Resident Evil 4 was on, which is enough for a large measure of happiness in this life.

No, sometimes if you attempt to make things better, other, awful people send you death threats and post the address of your family online. The people having this discussion didn't "create" a backlash— in no way are he actions of Gamergate a commensurate response to feminist criticism.

Gamers also draw a lot of identity from it, in a way that few other media consumers do, meaning that gamers see criticism of the medium as a personal attack— they interpret someone finding fault with their hobby to be an accusation that there's something wrong with them for enjoying it, because for many gamers it's

Please don't pretend that legitimate artistic criticism of, say, games' casual treatment of sexual violence is on the same level as proposing a legal restriction of them, or that Anita Sarkeesian's completely forgettable YouTube series poses any threat to a billion-dollar industry. This isn't a battle, and it's not an

Quotation marks go around the period.

The comma goes inside the quotation marks.

Meanwhile, I've seen trailers for this movie before every movie I've seen in theaters since Arrival.

Dwayne Hoover posted under the username Cirion. He was a defective commenting machine.