
Based on what biographical information we have, he's central-European, lived in France as a young man, and emigrated to America, where he renamed himself "Wiseau." According to the Disaster Artist, he despises the French because of how the cops treated him as a young undocumented immigrant and loves his adopted


Okay, okay. You put a Nazi on the moon.

Yeah, that is fantastic. "I'm just gonna do something here." I love how Hyams' movies play with by-the-numbers the series is. The characters know their roles and know that they have no real motivation, they're just machines for fight sequences. Lundgren's evil and sadistic because that's his character, and he cares

I love this post.

Oh man, that's a stunner. The last 40 minutes are basically the closest to pure, perfect action outside of Fury Road.

Sicario's definitely not an action film. There's a couple of stunning action scenes, but they're tense and fearful and feel like ominous nightmares. There's nothing fun about them, and the times when the guns come out are when the movie just ramps up its usual tone of sustained dread to a higher pitch.

I grew up on those movies and thought for years that my love for the second was just a dumb kid preference for the weirder, more fantastical sequel and that it couldn't actually be as good as I remembered. Then I watched the movies back-to-back with my fiancee— for her first time seeing them —and we were both reeling

Man, DOOM was such a wasted opportunity. I'd give anything to just have a 90-minute version of the Doom comic, still starring Dwayne Johnson. I wanna see the Rock explain the correlation between the size of demons and the size of their guts.

Meanwhile, in local politics, it looks as though the GOP's attempts to institute a permanent one-party rule in my state are being stymied, piece by piece: http://nymag.com/daily/inte…

Hey, warlords and slavers count as "some parties."

He's so high he doesn't know that's hyperbolic paranoid!

For as little actual quality work as they put out, I can't help but feel a powerful affection towards these guys. They've always seemed like they've had a really strong friendship and a laid-back vibe. Takin' it easy for all us sinners, I suppose.

I hated that so, so much, but I respect its brilliance.


Bannon wishes he had the raw masculine charisma of Brad Dourif.

You're right. We really need a Robespierre.

The book was surprisingly moving, too. My only complaint was that it made me actually respect Bissell, whose Extra Lives was one of the most shallow and unperceptive works of criticism I've ever read.

Given that it's spelled "Oiseau" in the original French, no, no he doesn't.

Still can't believe he was robbed of the Oscar for Nightcrawler. Goddamn, is this man good at his job.