
…In the same category Norbit was nominated for.

The conflict is too forced. Is it right for Superman to use his powers? Well, if the other option is the complete destruction of humanity, of course it is. Is it right for Superman to kill? If you wrote a scene where has to kill someone right now or innocent people will be vaporized and then have the bad guy tell him

"Beat up Batman's car to tell him off, but don't expose him, despite writing about him as a journalist, bring him to the cops, or look into the heavily-armed smugglers he was just fighting" is in there somewhere.

For me, the issue is that the characters weren't established in-film very well at all. If I didn't know who Batman was, I'd be spending the whole movie wondering why he hung out with his butler all the time and why I was supposed to root for the angry, violent loner. The characters were written in such a way as to "do

But immediately before that, Batman was talking to Superman about how Superman probably had parents who loved him. I could buy the "Martha" but humanizing Superman if it wasn't directly preceded by Batman showing that he doesn't care about that.

I thought I knew what friendship looked like, and then I saw RTJ. Those guys are so magical together.

I read this book as a child and have only half-remembered it for years— thank you for reminding me of the title! It's definitely due for a reread.

What does that even mean? I mean, I know he's making joke about Schumer crying, but does he think the movie is about a guy who cries a lot? Is he saying that Schumer is a woman with a penis?

He's 70 years old and incredibly vain— I'd be amazed if he doesn't need glasses and refuses to wear them.

It's been a long time since anything Gaiman's done has gotten me really excited, but this sounds intriguing. I grew up reading these stories and love them dearly, and seeing a writer who shares that love really try and bring them to life could be fun. Glad to hear he keeps the ugly, pre-modern worldview intact.

He's so incredibly good at the actual poetics of songwriting— at writing incredibly concisely, with perfectly-chosen words. "Georgia" is an obvious example of that, but one of my favorite lines comes from "Maize Stalk Drinking Blood:""This is an empty country / and I am its king / and I should not be allowed to touch

It's a shame that it's not getting as good of a review as Wolf did, but JD speaks to me on a pretty powerful level and I'm exactly the target audience, so I'm sure I'll still have a blast.

I don't mean to criticize, to be honest. Bioshock's one of my top 5 games of all time, but I just know a lot about how it was made, which makes the parts where they had to compromise on the vision really apparent. If you play it knowing that the ending is supposed to be what it is, though, it packs a real punch— and

Man, I watched the show for the first time last month and I'm not happy about a 9-month wait; I can't imagine how badly the rest of the internet is taking this.

Completely correct. The Borg work really well in next Gen because they're designed to be a foil to Picard and his crew— the Borg can't be reasoned with or overpowered, and they have no respect for the dignity of life. It makes sense that Picard's ultimate nemesis would be a race that has no decency or decorum and

A is never fully explained— presumably living an ordinary life with a cover story and false memories. A cut piece of dialogue indicates that Jack thought, while he was on the plane, that he had been living with his parents and was going to visit family in England .

There's a serious argument to be made that, within those first four to six albums, Sabbath was a contender for being the greatest band of all time. Certainly one of the hardest-rocking, led by one of he greatest guitarists to ever live, and one of those acts where each individual member could be said to be one of the

Sky-buddy! Way to show those god-tards. I tip my fedora to you for this comment full of win, good sir!

Goddammit autocorrect.

Milo was going to publicly read a list of undocumented students at Berkeley and has a history of singling individual protestors out, publicly naming them, and targeting his followers on them. One of the last protests against him ended in a Milo supporter shooting a protestor. There's a legitimate argument to be made