
It only ran for six episodes, but Police Squad! remains one of the cleverest, weirdest things to ever air on television.

I really dig how they sneak the VII or 7 into each title, too.

Heh, where's everyone going? Bingo?

No, I have it on good authority from several GameFaqs posters that loving kissing another man is just a thing that Russians do, like, ironically, as an insult.

I read the book with no knowledge of the movie's cast beyond Oldman. I still pictured Hurt as Control. Just a perfect role for him.

He's in that movie for two scenes, only one of which is plot relevant, and yet it feels like he's the star whenever he's onscreen.

Life is very sweet, my brother. Who would wish to die?

Huh— on review, it looks like there were a lot allegations of animal cruelty, but they were never verified or disproven. That's not as bad as I'd been told.

You don't need to tell him that. His dad's been saying it every day of his life.

No, the dog dies of old age while waiting for his owner to come back, while in the far future his owner decides not to resurrect him, thinking that he must have moved on and had a new life.

Um… I liked Milo and Otis a lot as a kid, but do you know anything about how it was made, by any chance?

So, for that matter, is the WWE wrestler, game show host, and NBC producer in the Oval Office.

It's the only place he can find conversation on his level.

I actually liked "Wndrwll" a lot more. I feel like "Wallspin" didn't have a ton going for it besides how well the chorus was mixed, whereas "Wndrwll" is constantly coming up with new goofs.

Because it's a meme-y pop culture mashup comedy album that's technically copyright infringement and isn't legally available for purchase? It's great, but it's the epitome of GJI content. That's like asking why really good YouTube mashup videos aren't getting reviewed in the film section.

Mine would probably go Moods> Silence> Sounds. I definitely hear your argument as to why Moods is weaker, but it's also the one least mired in 90's trash. What Silence does with Smash Mouth is undeniably clever, but I can't stand listening to Smash Mouth five times over the course of one album. Moods and Silence have

That was, if not the best song of the album, the absolute biggest laugh for me.

…yeah. Fair point.

That doesn't happen though. No one gets convicted of rape based solely on one witness's testimony with no other evidence.

That's why her office is upstairs. Because Trump is too lazy to climb a flight of stairs.