
Just Ford— Disney was a racist, but he was no Nazi.

I would have, but the courts told me not to!

I don't see why people keep going to 06— Sonic Adventure did this all the way back in 99.

You've heard Run the Jewels 3, right?

If there's one thing the new Doom game taught me, it's that Hell does indeed produce oil, and that we're gonna take it.

It is, and I never said it wasn't— the point that I'm making, and which DrDischord said above, is that sex offender registries are a horrifying violation of civil liberties. I don't think that anyone should be in sex offender registries in the current form of the law— not this asshole, not anybody. It's sexual

I think you're being pretty hostile here to what seemed, to me, to be a fairly measured response. But I did want to touch on your comment here about sex offender registries— they're an awful punishment that should be illegal and considered unconstitutional, and we don't get to invoke them just because this guy is a

I'm not sure that there's any more gallows comedy in the whole administration than the fact that Trump's top picks for dealing with public housing and the inner city are two black men, who he openly considers to be qualified solely because of their race, and they both seem giddy about it.

Old Rasputin's fantastic, especially if you go to a place that has it on a nitro tap, which makes it really smooth and creamy.

That AJJ split is pretty neat— I don't know how well the execution works, but the idea that the album exists in a quantum state as two potential records makes that probably the only one of these where the gimmick might enhance the experience, instead of being a novelty.

Man, we all need to say a prayer of thanks for theaters that don't give a shit about minors. I saw Sin City twice as a teen in the theater— once completely unsupervised, and once with my mom driving by the front of the theater, waving at the cashier to say it was okay to let me in.

One of them showed half of a butthole.

My go-tos are Frumious Bandersnatch and Counterfeit Beaniebaby, personally

Mieville's never clicked with me, but the fact that he's an admirer and advocate for Mervyn Peake— a depressingly underrated fantasy author with a wholly unique style —earns him a lot of points in my book.

That means that one out of every thousand cops in Chicago killed someone last year. As opposed to one out of every 3,400 non-cops.

Refn's one of my favorite directors currently working, but I'm not convinced he doesn't make his movies by accident.

Nah, Drive's one of the most influential movies of the past decade, Pusher is a great little crime film, and Bronson is a wonderful character study that also gave the world Tom Hardy.

For real. I rewatched that film recently and forgot just how overt and skin-crawling all the incest stuff was.

Let me just take this moment to contribute the following: fuuuuck, the new Wolfenstein was good.

I can't, because legally my nude body counts as heavy machinery.