
Lord of the Rings won best picture, the Incredibles and Big Hero 6 won best animated feature, and Dark Knight got a best supporting actor. They've been winning non-technical awards for the better part of a decade.

I think he's solo stuff has more range— RTJ definitely shows off his skills the best, but he can't go as moody and paranoid and sad as on his solo work. RTJ is hardcore, angry, and funny 95% of the time, but I do miss some of the tonal extremes he went to on Fan Dam or ISWYD.

I can testify that this is true— I actually think that Sonic the Hedgehog would be a very uncaring lover in real life, especially once he was inflated.

The joke was that he looks exactly like that horrible lizard-faced CGI alien. I, shamefully, know that was Greg Proops.

He's really more of an Orange Tiberius.

No, Patrick, what did Ed say?

…why does my auto-correct assume I'm not talking about Batman? Who isn't talking about Batman, Apple?

Honestly, Schumacher's take has a lot more in common with West-era Batman than Burton does with any era of the character. Bateman was campy neon and puns for longer than he was a dark and brooding avenger. People think the issue is that the later movies don't "get" Batman, but the real problem is just that they suck

Sneak King was a great game. Not least of which because it was a fast food tie in that controlled exactly like fucking Manhunt.

They are the cutest friends in music.

Look, I know Milo's gay, but it's still offensive to call him a "her."

My company's a middle-man in the system— ever since the Enron case, any publicly-traded company is required to contract with a third party to provide a place for people to anonymously report fraud or financial violations, and that's the service we provide, among others (a service, you may notice, that House

Just go check his twitter and you'll see.

I work in the ethics and compliance industry, and I can assure you, "business-like" is not a word that leaps to mind.

Not just that, she also pushed the "knockout game" bullshit harder than anyone else. She is the most racist person on that network.

The bear was a girl, dum-dum!

He does, sure. But he sucks because he's bad at doing this kind of criticism, not because all critical schools but New Criticism are inherently bad.

Oh, most definitely. The man's got an incredible delivery and is such a goddamn good writer and always has been.("Stepfather Factory" is just stunning in its commitment to the metaphor, and that was, what, 5 albums ago?) I don't know if you could definitively say best of all time, but certainly a contender. He's so