
Has consensus stabilized that Life of Brian is their best movie? Because it should; that movie's an absolute masterpiece even if it's not as quotable as Holy Grail.

I wouldn't say "vast majority," given, you know, that we just elected a man who wants to bring back unconstitutional policing methods.

Don't tell El-P what he shouldn't do.

Downvoted for being a Simpsons quote I don't recognize. I want comforting pap, not something appropriate to the conversation!

I do 1.5 ounces of Fernet to 8 ounces of ginger beer.

God, Ferguson was a treasure. His Wilford Brimley interview is a thing of absurd beauty.

Thanks for posting this! As both a drunk and a Pynchon fan, I approve wholeheartedly.

Oh man, a spambot on a Bleeding Edge post is basically perfect.

Meanwhile, Ben Carson announces his new government initiative, The Think Tank.

Dexter may have ended up as the TV equivalent of a dead cat jamming up a wood chipper, but that opening credit sequence remains really solid. Of course, the show veered further and further away from being the show those credits suggested, to the point that the tone and visual style felt wildly incongruous, but hey,

He's only about three days away from setting Mitt on fire and throwing him into the Grand Canyon, so I say it checks out.

Via Thomas Pynchon's Bleeding Edge, Fernet and ginger beer is one of my absolute favorite highballs.

Can't agree with #16 enough. So tired of open-world games that don't do anything interesting with the formula. It's just not worth the trade-off of giving up pacing and structure 90% of the time.

Or it's useful for those of us who work overnight shifts, use blackout curtains, and would still like to wake up gradually and calmly.

I really liked the ones about horror movies, both because the art was pretty cool and because they actually looked into the genre with some depth. Of all the ones I read, they were the comics that seemed the most in line with the site's general ethos.

The bar for "you're just like Sheldon" is so incredibly low, too. I was working a temp job once and one of the women in the office made that comparison four days in. Literally knew nothing about my personal life and had close to zero interactions with me, but knew that I wore glasses and was usually reading a book in

For real.

Leonard Cohen for about a month.

Oh, I was commenting on his general appearance and demeanor, not any aspect of his character. Not a metaphor; he just looks, sounds, and acts like a goblin.

I don't agree, but I certainly won't argue. I can definitely see why a lot of people consider it his best (I don't think he's ever hit an emotional beat as purely and gracefully as that ending).