
I can't think of any more baffling decision than deciding to not only keep the present-day framing narrative, but make it the core of the story. All I can guess is that someone at Ubi is absolutely committed to that idea and demanded that it be central to the film.

Oh, definitely not. The consensus is that Mad Max is an intriguing little exploitation flick and that the Road Warrior is one of the greatest action films ever made, and there's not many people who prefer the first. I might, but that's mostly because I like the original's slow-burn sense of dread and the way it paints

It is astonishing— the man turned in one of the greatest performances in the history of television, but his film career is just fucking bizarre so far. Apart from Drive, of course.

Oooh, Samantha has had some bad experiences.

Oh for fuck's sake.

I'm sorry that you have to experience the living hell you just described, but that image is very, very funny to me. Just walking over to your cubicle in a Tuesday morning, coffee in hand, starting a sentence with, "I was just thinking about Minions…"

One of my favorite movies is Aguirre: the Wrath of God, so I've obviously got no problem watching horrible people give great performances. But I can definitely see how knowing that Casey Affleck treats the women he works with terribly would make it hard for someone to watch the film without being pulled out of it or

Okay, that last sentence definitely piqued my interest. I may end up seeking this movie out.

I believe you are correct.

I still haven't seen Election Year yet, but I was impressed by the trailer. The premise has always had the potential to go full Death Race 2000 and become a caustic exploitation satire, and it seems they're tiptoeing closer with each installment.

I very much disagree with Jesse about the ending of Swiss Army Man.

For me, it might just be the slow-spreading, hair-curling smile as the Grinch thinks up his wonderful, awful idea. It's just so perfect in every frame and is perfectly paced. Even reading about in the article I couldn't help but crack a smile.

Kevin Smith hires cinematographers?

Actually, the Witch got a lower CinemaScore review than Suicide Squad and the Audience Score on Rotten Tomatoes is 56%.

It's not misandry to say that you're not interested in a certain genre of films, which Manchester definitely falls into. It's a movie about the extremely well-worn topic of male emotion and how hard it is for men to have feelings and be open, and all Morgan's saying is that they're not interested in that subject

Is it the Casey-Affleck-is-a-shithead stuff?

No real argument from me here. I wouldn't put Manchester at #1— I loved its realism and it's commitment to its characters and themes, but that same sense of lived-in ordinariness kept it from being as incredibly powerful to me as it seems it was to a lot of other people. Still haven't seen Hell or High Water, Jackie,

You're right— lengthy and reasonable discussion of the feature we're all commenting on is for assholes. Boscalyn should have just started insulting people for wanting to talk about stuff, which would have contributed much more to the discussion.

Well put. I haven't complained about any of the other comics, even when I really didn't like them, because I got what they were going for and didn't want to piss on someone else's art. But I just don't get this run of comics. It's a comic designed to describe what makes this show special and the author's relationship

I miss when comedies had scripts.