
Oh no. The Golden Globes' integrity is at risk.

So why is this feature being handed over to fandom-oriented comics about a show that doesn't attract enough of an audience to the site to merit getting full reviews? I don't mean to insult the artist, who does a decent enough job here, but I don't get the logic of running a month of comics that don't have a plot and

So Let It Die is a hell of a game, senpai. Total Skinner Box, but I love its dingy feel, the way it makes me feel like a horrible person for my treatment of human life, and the visceral, ugly combat. Plus I'll follow Grasshopper Manufacture anywhere they want to go. (It's free-to-play, but I've found it to be very

I think more because there was a female character.

I'm just using post-war as a time marker. Slaughter-House is definitely in contention as far as my personal canon goes. My favorite Vonnegut is Breakfast of Champions, which may beat out Slaughter-House Five. That book is so brutally honest about the world and everything in it.

Best American post-war novel, and that's a fact. Only debate I'll allow is whether or not the "American" modifier is necessary.

Is that from Guy Noir?

Yeah, let's not forget that Marlowe is a clinical alcoholic. There's a part in Farewell, My Lovely in which he has to deal with DTs because he's been without a drink for 3 days.

Fair enough. Greatest Of All Time is always an impossible decision anyway, I'll just take any excuse to stump for RE4's claim on the title.

You don't? Because I'm pretty sure one of those TIE fighters had a stupid haircut and did spin kicks.

That's a weird debate— I don't remember Ocarina also being Resident Evil 4.

It's such brilliant comedy. I knew he could be funny, but I had no idea he could do slapstick so well.

I love that we had a full and complete Elizabeth Bathory horror film in wide release. I love that I saw corpse-fucking and eyeball eating with kids who were just there because The Purge was sold out. God, what an experience.

Oh god, that moment with the corpse. "Haaaaaarge…. Haaaaarge…"

Gotta disagree with the Moonlight pick. The scene in question is good, but that restaurant scene in the third act is one of the most intimate and human moments I've ever seen in a movie.

I don't like the Marvel movies either, so you can take it from me as an unbiased source: this movie blows.

No, he's a vampire who's using the werewolves to…help him mail vampires?We see his dick when he transforms from being a man-bat. He drinks blood and everything.

I think that once your company's healthcare plan directly results in Chris Benoit, this isn't the job for you.

It's Australian, so that checks out.

I use 'em for pulled pork sliders, myself.