
"Empowered her?" "Changed her?" It's violent rape, not a Janet Jackson song. The argument that it motivated and empowered her means that it's a good thing she got violently raped because it helped her grow as a person and believe in herself. This isn't Luke learning that Darth Vader is his dad— it's rape.

Yeah— I don't understand how the rape was necessary. Wouldn't everything else that Ramsay did be enough to motivate her and warrant her feeding him to dogs?

Fuller's also proves that it's not necessary: Hannibal is a show entirely about sexuality, violation, and soul-sickness, but it doesn't need on-screen rape. It's able to get the same kind of shock and the same impacts on its characters that these other works are going for through good old-fashioned violence and

Oh yeah. It was a bunch of white men who were pissed that black music and gay music was beating their ass in the charts.

Oh, there's definitely a few— but on a personal level, there are very few who would fuck me up more.

I've honestly got a soft spot for some of the Palldium stuff— my entry point to tabletop RPGs was reading their sourcebooks in middle school and imagining the character I could create. I'd imagine that actually playing them is a nightmare though.

They said he was going to reduce bureaucracy and make everything more streamlined, and yet here I am having to read Rifts rulebooks!

Plus the Thing-on-Norwegian colonialism and bodily appropriation.

Beloved is an amazing novel, but the part in it that always haunts me the most is the dedication page:

Ellsworth was right. Fuck is all for the limber-dicked cocksuckers we are.

More like loud, and then very, very quiet.

Flynn is a paranoid whack job, but that's his son's account.

That Cobain had a lot of good ideas. Or at least one idea that's looking pretty attractive right now.

It'd be hard not to be. What's it going to do, kill Bowie and Cohen again?

"Wait, wait? You guys thought… Jesus Christ, I'm not doing a super villain thing. It's Joe Kerr. I just like purple."

Zorak died this year. The network's already miserable and hopeless.

Fair enough— I may just be reflexively praising Hoffman on the basis of how much I usually love the man's work.

I could shit on their cars and still have the moral high ground over anyone who voted for Trump.

What made Noonan for me is that he's so, so sad. He's honestly more sympathetic than Will is. And I love how, in the scene with Freddie, he's so tense and nervous, like he's excited to finally have someone to preen for but is also terrified that he won't be impressive enough and scared of himself. A lot of that comes