
Man, that premise is just nonsensical. Is there any reason given for why Cottiliard's character has to be summarily executed instead of just arrested and interrogated? Or why the government decides the person who should investigate and kill her should be her husband, rather than literally anyone else? That's Dan Brown

Meh. Call me when they get around to adapting a song off of Replicas instead.


Hey, I know you're mad, but don't say this shit. Kanye is clearly having a goddamn mental breakdown. He said he would have voted for Trump, but he also said that Jay-Z was going to have him assassinated, that he was going to be president, and that someday soon we'd all communicate in pictures. He is a mentally ill

I sincerely hope he's okay. I don't care what anyone says about the man, I've never found it possible to dislike Kanye.

I knew I would love the new Doom when it opened with a rip and tear reference.

According to the audio commentary, it's actually based on Cage's own father, who was a literature professor and affected a similar unidentifiable posh accent during his teaching.

Not to mention that it was successfully translated into comics. Doom: Knee Deep In the Dead is the best video game adaptation ever made and a work of absolute poetry.

I don't think so. If the Doom comic has taught me one thing, it's that Doom Guy makes his political decisions based primarily on a long-term environmentalist worldview.

I love the accent in Vampire's Kiss, where his character puts on more and more of a forced classy British accent whenever he gets upset or feels threatened.

Nutritious slime! And there's plenty for everyone!

They'd eat us if they could!

There's a montage of them spending about a month or two on the project, soni imagine it happened then.

Part of it— and I certainly don't think of myself as an expert on LeGuin —is almost certainly the subject matter and the historical importance. Science fiction has always been a fairly male-dominated genre, especially in LeGuin's time, dealt with a lot of social conservatism. The fact that the book writes about gender

Cheers for Heaney's Beowulf. It's stunning— I've never read a classic that old that held up that well, or a translation that beautiful and true. I wept the first time I read it, and it remains one of, I think, the great poetic works of human history.

Oh yeah— I think it's handled pretty well in that novel, especially given how little representation bi men get in just about anything (and from what I understand, it's fairly autobiographical). I'm just joshin' the guy a little, since Chabon's obsessions and focuses (focii?) are usually pretty easy to spot.

That's not fair. In Mysteries of Pittsburgh, he was a closeted bisexual.

Given that Cruz is definitely planning right now on running a primary challenge against Trump in 2020, that may be a moot point.

Nah. Even disregarding his political comedy, Strangers With Candy remains one of the best comedy shows ever made, and Chuck Noblet is one of the greatest comic performances in the history of TV.

Princess and the Frog's princess was a black woman in the service industry!