
What we're dealing with here is sort of a Bart Simpson situation.

Yeah, the tension between them is really the core of the movie. It's not whether they get the guy or not, but whether they come out of it with their souls intact— Freeman does, Pitt doesn't, because Freeman has made peace with the existence of evil.

For my money, that's the best scene in the movie. It demonstrates, succinctly and quickly, how smart everyone in this movie is and how much fun the movie is having with it.

Everyone is so on point in Day of Reckoning. It's probably my favorite Lundgren performance.

How, exactly, do you think reviews are supposed to work?

You asked for a miracle, AV Club. I give you the stride mother.

Some thoughts on the also-rans:

The final car chase is okay, but Maniac Cop is a terrible movie. Such a cool premise, a great b-movie cast, and it just felt dreadful and joyless.

It really is close to perfect. I wouldn't say it's as meaningful or powerful as, say, Goodfellas, but it's every bit as well-crafted and delivers on its vision equally well.

Every character has a little bit of stage business to flesh them out, like the one guy who grabs a candy bar right before the police siege starts. It does so much to make the conflict feel real.

It's also seeded earlier in the movie: they have a string quartet playing it, because Nakatomi is a Japanese company and it's a Christmas song in Japan.

Die Hard is here, Die Hard is here…

Ice cold shitty American lager is beautiful in its own right, especially with food. I live in a city with a pretty good local craft scene, but if I'm going out to sit on a patio and eat ribs, I don't want to order a hoppy red ale from a local joint. I want something that tastes like canned corn juice, is incredibly

Same here. There's some IPAs I love, but the trend of chasing the most bitter and grapefruit-y taste makes most of them just taste like soap. But I loooove sours, and I'm so happy they're catching on.

Well, it's not the horse's face he looks like.

Also Teddy Williams walked among us like a golden god for a while, then we froze him.

"You want me to cast a ballot, Frank?"

Eh, I remember getting drunk and outlining the ways in which Palin was a textbook protofascist, then explaining how the concept of "Volk" basically paralleled the idea of "real Americans."

That was one of the best baseball games in history, right? I'm not a devoted watcher of the sport, but a Cubs win in the extra inning of game 7? That's some magical shit. I wouldn't believe that if it happened in a movie.

Someone like Jeff Nichols could save a blockbuster, though. Imagine what his version of Superman would look like.