
Just wanted to say this is really outstanding reporting. I love reading in-depth reports like this and hope we continue to see more in the future here. I know these types of articles are a lot more expensive, time-consuming, and probably not as well-read as some other content, but this is what I come to this site for.

I try to look for a driver’s eyes if they’re about to pull in front of me, but I’ve seen enough cars pull out when they were seemingly looking right at me that I also look at the front wheel to see if it moves. Eyes can lie, wheels don’t.

2 things I got from the MSF course years and years ago when I took it. When looking at a vehicle that is waiting to turn into my traffic lane, look at the driver’s eyes not the car. In the real world with windows up I find it can be hard to see the driver’s eyes so I check the leading edge of the front tire, and if it

Ok, that seems like a much more sensible opinion than it first transpired. I do agree with a lot of what you said but we must remember we’re in the early stages of the electric revolution. Some of the issues you mention with tech will be ironed out, I’m sure; others won’t. I’m no fan of Tesla, I’m actually very critic

It really showed me how easy it is to turn off your brain while driving a car.

My brother bought one of these in Sri Lanka last March. Really comfortable 7 seater with luxuries from a few years ago. Has a 1.5 ltr NA engine that wont win any races, but is fantastic around town (queit) and highway stints. I wouldn’t call it an enthusiast car, but for it’s price and what it does, it fits the asian

Man, these comments are super disappointing - why are yall so adamant about sticking up for corporations? Are they paying you?

Let’s go over some things here:

1. Back in 2015, Uber and Lyft actually did pay a very nice wage. Remember all the fluff pieces backed by Uber and Lyft talking about drivers earning over 100K

If that’s true, then you would have to agree that the majority of the fare needs to go to the driver and not Uber, right?

People drove taxis as a job. Stop blaming the poor and start blaming corporations.

Put it in a giant bag of rice when you’re done with the soak and it should be a-okay!

Sleeper car + overnight travel = an extra day of your life. Granted, trains are slow, but they’re perfect if you’re traveling ~8-9 hours.

More cars should come with a button that turns the screen right off too. That’s a feature I really like from Dodge and Jeep. A big ol SCREEN OFF button.

The narrator talking about humanity made me notice that there aren’t any people in this, probably for a reason.

The 2JZ is not a Toyota motor either.  It is a Yamaha engine that Toyota “shared development” just like the Bimmer.

Silly Elon.  An underground tube that delivers crap from one point to another is called a sewer.

I dislike the use of the quote “they’re all the goddamn same”. Yeah, they are more or less. Conventions are a business. You’re doing your cosplay as a business. If the conventions are were you have to go to flex your business and make money, boo hoo that they’re all the same - you’re doing this as a business.

Quick little side note:

I’ve been a pedestrian around enough Mustangs to say I’m ok with them topping out at 18.

most of them don’t top 50mph before they go screaming into the crowd

So is the F35 going to be a dominant platform?