I think your mind needs to be Freed a bit.
I could see it with Clarity.
Wow. What's it for?
My suggestion to them: make the base car a Corvette instead of a Ferrari. I believe their sales volume will go up by at least 300%!
So even dirt bike skills translate to four wheels!
Obviously ego boost is included. The “feeling smart” thing, that is. If not, why you’d even bother making snarky comment to a person who pointed out a good thing ? I certainly don’t want my kids to be dumbed down by tech, and that’s my point at the first place.
Obviously ego boost is included. The “feeling smart” thing, that is. If not, why you’d even bother making snarky…
Nope, our works are clean and 100% reversible with no trace when reverted back to its original form, apartment or not. And no walls are opened, just the switches and/or sockets.
Nope, our works are clean and 100% reversible with no trace when reverted back to its original form, apartment or not…
My point is now validated. The current young generations are actually dumbed down by tech.
My point is now validated. The current young generations are actually dumbed down by tech.
The median number may not fully reflect real life situations..
Four thumbs up!
No, no, no, the 1/3 should amount to total expenses associated with any debts (monthly payments). So if you already have something to pay monthly, the amount for the car should be less than 1/3.
Greed is the root if it all.
Me too !
I’ve recently read an Internet comment about video games, how we once have hand-drawn things, then 8-bit graphics, then a seemingly endless pursuit of realism, only to get back to cartoonish pictures a la Team Fortress 2, Fortnite, Overwatch etc. Especially interesting is Fortnite, which went to “emulate” hand-drawn…
More software engineer, more code, needs debug, needs security protocols.. etc.
Makes sense.
I think it’s only a heresy if the original engine is pristine. Given that a lot of classics’ engines are no longer produced and parts are scarce, if the original engine is busted or mistreated to a certain extent, an LS (or any other modern engine) swap may actually prolong the car’s life, instead of collecting dust…