On the other hand, it kinda proves that the Mitsubishi Mirage is really more green than most EVs. Or, that EVs are a good example of greenwashing.
On the other hand, it kinda proves that the Mitsubishi Mirage is really more green than most EVs. Or, that EVs are a good example of greenwashing.
And yet you guys call this Kermit Green (well, it is, anyway).
Did that a lot of time due to mistargeted Fusrodah’s
Dovahkin or GTFO. I mean, their gears are made by a High Dragon Priest of Hrothgar, right ?
To point out the obvious:
How about those underglow neons ?
Meet your lord and savior, the two wheels.
Your lord and savior
Team Red, what’s your experience? Itis very satisfying to see team green fanboys cry when their top of the line graphics cards underperform! *evil grin*
This is exactly why consoles are not peasants. Lots of elite masterrace-class efforts are done for consoles to ensure that everything “just works”.
The Lancer and Mirage are good cars. Drivability, driver’s involvement, handling are all top notch. Reliability? All cars are as reliable as your love to them. What’s wrong with their interior and build quality? Chevrolets are crappier for sure. Door creaks, loosening of plastic parts, etc. happens much more earlier…
I was once envious (way back then in my late teens), and even aspired to live and work there. But now no more. There is much more to live than [insert whatever here].
There is an old adage, saying..
Hell yeah
“But BMW (ironically) didn’t want to wait, and now it has advertisements proving it has been intimidated by a competing car that isn’t even in production yet. A car which didn’t need any advertising on Tesla’s part to secure 370,000 orders.”
Isn’t that what everybody is doing these days in the storytelling businesses?
They should have gone with toxic green instead.
Ah, maybe this will put you into my perspective. I hail from a South East Asian country with very poor public transportation systems. Literally lacking of capacity, security, and comfort.
Not really. I am an auto enthusiast (although more on the 2 wheels side — but hey, I have a pristine 180,000+ km going ‘94 Suzuki Escudo, so that’s something!), but I highly appreciate any improvement in public transportation. Actually literally everyone, even jalops, will benefit from a good public transport system,…