
I can get behind that.

I am curious how he feels about Iran’s Jewish ban since Iran does not let Israeli passport holders into it.

“...doesn’t feel entirely welcome in the US or Iran...”

Any chance you guys can stop with the political bs and stick to gaming and related stuff? It would be nice to have an enjoyable read, like it was. Plenty of people publishing Trump hate out there already. I know its the cool thing to do right now, but please give us a “safe place”.

Dude! If you don’t speak with the terrorists when you’re in a country that harbor terrorists, you’d be fine. However, your behavior and worries tell me that you are talking to them. Gotta find yourself new friends.

90 days <= 3 months. You will be fine sir. Wait it out.

Legal resident for 17 years, why hasn’t he gotten naturalized? I know it can be a PITA (I’ve gone through the process. Took 3 years), but come on dude.

Her opponent later admitted that it was the longest he ever lasted with a girl.