When did it go from blue to green? When Avatar came out?
When did it go from blue to green? When Avatar came out?
Raiders of the Lost Ark is my favorite movie of all time. After watching The Last Crusade yesterday while at work in my big overstuffed chair (it’s huge and it’s green, you’d love it), I realized that it’s basically just a kinder, gentler knockoff of Raiders. There are so many shots and scenes in it that Spielberg…
And on the end of that snake was an IRON HOOK.
So the cheese fries give you the shits? Yeah, me too.
It was 2004, smack dab in the middle of the administration of the second worst President we’ve ever had. Who knows what the hell anyone was thinking.
Thanks for the updates, Commodore Gilgamesh. If that is your real name.
The two pork chop plate with steamed veggies and garlic mashed potatoes is pretty damn good. I used to be a chopped steak man when I ventured deep into the Outback Steakhouse, but well, I’m getting older now. Red meat is something I like to stay away from if I can possibly help it.
Shakespeare In Love and Green Book would like to have a word. And a threesome.
Yeah, I swear I did, too. I need to watch it again. If there was a second passenger, I’d bet money that they put them there to avoid the ‘Why didn’t Saul just dump the bags?’ question.
Which leaves me wondering what he’s thinking now by making nothing but stuff that he insists must be seen in a near-intolerable format.
I’ve never seen it, actually. I know a few people whose movie reviews I never, ever listen to because they always like utter trash, and in this case, all of them liked it.
Oh, I agree. I always assumed she had her shit outsourced.
Yes, I realize a lot of children like dumb children’s shit. You guys really need to learn the definition of a rhetorical question.
Well, at least ‘Crash’ is now one of our eternally beloved all-time classics.
Welp, Quibi sure bit it quick.
Also, in that situation, you’re making Saul commit the cardinal sin - walking away from the money. If ANYTHING goes wrong and they lose it, they’re done for. Say there are two other guys in the truck that Mike didn’t see, and they get ambushed as soon as the truck stops. Say there’s one other guy in the truck, and he…
Ang Lee’s last truly great film. I wish he’d knock it the fuck off with this HFR bullshit and just make a good movie again.
I’d have to watch it again, but I think I saw another person in the truck. But since we’re supposing, let’s suppose the truck stops, one guy gets out to get the bags, Mike takes him out, and the guy still in the truck (most likely the driver) floors it and takes off. So now the other guy in the truck knows where they…
No surprise, as it’s in her mouth almost constantly.