
Obviously she did understand numbers or else she wouldn't have booked it out of there when she realized she didn't have enough money. You saw her count the money, right? I thought it was pretty clear she thought she had more money on her than she actually did. And the safe scene showcased her desperation to retrieve

Are you serious? A Johnson didn't say anything offensive. Half the comments here are from you trying to start arguments. Get a life.

I don't get why people always ask dumb questions like this, either.

I really hope Teo isn't the dead body in the opener of the premiere.

When are people finally going to start giving rich white women the recognition and respect they so clearly deserve?

Expert analysis of the note proved Patsy almost certainly wrote it. You're saying this man somehow mimicked her handwriting? And why would the police be convinced it was a ransom when they didn't even actually take the kid??? If you're trying to make them think it's an actual kidnapping, you'd take the kid. I don't

Yay, Mindy's back. This show is such a mess, but I still adore it.

They also need to eat greasy diner food on a daily basis and never gain a pound.

I thought she crushed him in the debate. He sounded an uninformed con man. The only bad thing people can say about her performance is that she was socially awkward. So what? Everyone can't be as smooth as Obama.

First of all, Dave Grohl does not deserve that comparison. Secondly, curvy lesbians can't be doctors? Ridiculous! Then you have to bring poor Judith into your awful comment? Is your post supposed to be extremely sarcastic?

What show are you watching? No one is having sex on that show except the married couple.

Touché, when he puts that Christmas bow on her, that's pretty sweet.

Right! Every time they give modern family an award it's a reminder that award shows don't know what they're doing.

Milk steak!

The season 10 premiere where they are on the plane the whole time. It's uh Wade Boggs style! Kills me every time

Do you even know what a vig is?

I heard she really did leave a dent in that car

Yes! His relationship with his parents is heart breaking yet somehow comic gold.

Clone High was amazing

I agree! They just gave a beautiful Asian woman bad skin and flat hair. It's like the white girl version of glasses and a pony tail, I guess.