
I love how people keep saying this shit but then nobody supports new IPs when they come around. That’s why nobody makes new things.

Why can’t we have both?

1. Because when they do give people something new, no one gives it a chance.

How about shutting-up and letting the rest of us enjoy a classic?

Because things that have been made before are proven to make money because they’re already popular. Whereas anything new and different that comes out gets complained about because it’s not like what’s come out before.

There is an entire generation of gamers who have never played this game, so it will be new to them. I welcome this.

People often ask for both, we just here about remakes being asked for more because with remakes people can be a lot more specific with their requests. If we ask a company “Give us something new”, that’s incredibly vague, and for all the company knows we’ll be dissapointed by what they give us. Now when people say