This game needs more E.V.O., though it seems easy to waste time on anyway.
This game needs more E.V.O., though it seems easy to waste time on anyway.
@Sir_Crocidile: That is some decent music. Wow! I just realized a lot of that song is heavily inspired by Conan the Barbarian music. Hardcore!
Heh, oh Amerika. Seriously, if you find this shocking, I recommend you keep Japan off your travel list.
As much as I am disappointed that they will not let players choose the female characters, it still looks great. I see a G3~!
@hotcoffeeburns: I am still looking forward to the game, but it certainly is not appreciated that it lacks the choice.
@hermes520: Roger that.
Oh Shinsekai, you are far too close to the prostitutes. A friend of mine walked me through that area, which I believe was just to the south of Shinsekai.
@Spoiler Duck: うっせえな。
@SG79: To be fair, though, there is not much that can be said about a short CG trailer (in regards to Bayonetta). It seems like it may be in the same vein as Devil May Cry, though.
@spiderweb1986: US Mountain Time Zone.
@Illusion: Pretty much. I still cannot understand what people see in MMO-style games. Obviously this is a little different, but still is more-or-less a flash interpretation of such tedium.
"Photorealism is a good thing, but can it really be an escape from reality - especially for ostensibly lighthearted fare - when the color palette it draws on represents the depressing color scheme of our own worlds?"
He seems to have a love of giant thighs, yet no Chun Li?
@Leobebes: I trust what I am hearing on NeoGAF though, which more-or-less corroborates this information.
@Leobebes: And both articles, Gamepro and CVG, both contain atrocious spelling errors.
Someone probably already posted it, but this is probably incorrect. Someone who has already beaten the game has said this is false:
I for one, found both videos to be quite entertaining (especially the latter). These are not meant to be taken seriously.
Japan hates you even more for being nice to Korea, MS.
Only ninjas can keep the Dreamcast 2 secret, after all.