
@y2julio: Just make sure not to flash it at any police or concerned citizens within the city and you will be fine. See if there are any local airsoft fields, indoor or outdoor, around the city. Oftentimes, they will have at least something you can rent and try out. There are certainly reasonably priced starter

@NateN: Get your hands on a Western Arms. Quality.

@waza: Um yeah, somehow I think you will be leaving soon.

@AntiHiro: We must be watching different anime.

@2SBs: You realize they did it in the first Vegas, as well?

@pastepunkjames: I would guess the first step is to download Second Life, since that is the focus of the article. Project Entropia is an actual game which you can do as well (and is mentioned), though in order to get money out you will first have to put some money in (free to play, but you can pay for in-game cash to

I would not buy this considering I have played both of them, and I have no Wii to speak of, but I hope this ends up true. More Shenmue fans means a greater chance of finally seeing a third.

@muscrat_01: Most of the area is not that bad anymore.

Awesome. I wish I was there. STALKER is certainly one of my favorite FPS games. The atmosphere is absolutely top-notch.

@Palladium: I resent that remark. You make it sound like being a DOA fan is something shameful.

Link's line was the absolute high point. It was somehow so dramatic.

We have seen an assault rifle in videos. I seem to recall a shotgun too, but I am not too sure.

For anyone wondering, if you have seen all of the old videos that were released involving the gameplay sections of the Middle East and also the Assassin's Solid video, this spoils absolutely nothing. Unless you consider staff credits on the screen to be a spoiler.

Aside from the "is it...baby?" line, that was actually pretty impressive.

Did anyone actually believe they would take this out of the game? Not I, not I.

@The_Foo: Making her braless JUST because it is a mature rated game is not sound reasoning.

"This is a mature game, so we didn't put a bra on her"...oh yes, excellent reasoning. :(

@Yuki: Looks like GT took it down for the moment.

For those who prefer GT: