The intended audience doesn’t change that these games are predatory. You make it sound like criticism regarding the exploitation of whales is somehow platform dependent.
The intended audience doesn’t change that these games are predatory. You make it sound like criticism regarding the exploitation of whales is somehow platform dependent.
While Zapor wasn’t as eager to relitigate the video game controversies of the 1990s, his response wasn’t necessarily more coherent: “I think in terms of causation, what the information shows us is as we become more disfranchised as individuals, and groups, people leave a faith for example, the family units become…
I like how all different people come to the aid, military, black, white, etc. Even a health worker at the end!
Ubisoft and Activision thought they could compete with Steam and take a larger cut of the profits. Also, PC gaming accounts for a VERY small percent of their income, consoles make way more.
Wolfire really wants to die on this sword, huh? Alrighty. Let’s do this!
Parker said the decision to not remove the revealing outfits players criticized about from the game wholesale because it wanted to balance the experience for “hardcore fans” and players in the U.S.
Can’t stress this enough. You need to plan out who you want, you clearly can’t collect every character as free to play, but there is tremendous pressure to do so. People who can’t plan and budget get in a lot of trouble.
You just save and skip, and plan which characters you’re going to pull for.
Unannounced Survival Game...
Looking back on his work, I remember some of it. I didn’t quite realize how long I’ve been reading this site. What awful news. I’m sorry for your loss.
I never interacted with András personally, but years later still continually discover and am delighted by his old work at Kotaku. Wishing his loved ones the best.
I’m looking at the articles he wrote and realizing how many of them I recognize.
I don’t think his comments were confusing at all. Especially with his other statements further clarifying the matter. To some people, the definition of politics means what its dictionary definition would claim it to be, and not something inherent to all of human interaction, as if it’s a force of nature or culture. …
We've fought wars and let our young and brave countrymen die to protect our democracy and isn't it fascinating to watch how fast we'll sell it out for cold hard cash.
This is stupid. Why apologize? The apology isn’t the stupid part, FEELING like you have to apologize is. The Article had a title that got a lot of clicks, but RIGHT at the top, once you click the article, is a description of what we were going to see below. Anyone reading the TITLE of the article knew what they could…
She was NOT dating him! The information in this “article” has not ben researched at all!!!!
He is an incel who murdered her after she rejected him and she went to the concert with another guy!
You also didn’t mention all the drivel he posted before and after he basically decapitated her. He posted her pics of her body…
I’m an old person so I’d have to Google most of those terms but what I think you’re saying is “Man murdered teenager. Man took graphic pictures of dead teenager and posted to social media as trophy. Man’s followers and public media began victim shaming dead teenager”.