
This whole ArenaNet/Jessica Price fiasco is getting quite skewed. To clarify my position before we get into the weeds, I find it appalling that internet mobs are using this as precedence and justification for their anti-female dev crusade. With that out of that way...

“Inarguably inferior Croatia side”?? What??? This is a team that survived two straight penalty shootouts before this game, destroyed Argentina like a college football team destroys a high school freshmen team, kicked the hosts of this World Cup out of the tournament, has an amazing amount of experience in

Now playing

These kind of instructional videos were available even back in the days fo 240p:

thoughts and prayers


Wow, gun violence AND an assault on a free press all in one? It’s like the conservative dream. 

“A disaster here in Russia for Germany!”

That’s not fair, of course kids are being dicks street racing, but if the mother was crossing the street, regardless of the fact that she is dead, there is responsibility there. Your death does not negate your responsibility.

Source for that-

I’m all for Darwinism

i see no problem with this device at all, straight from Tesla Website:

But, as HardOCP reported, if they weren’t part of the program they wouldn’t receive any engineering assistance if they ran into issues, they wouldn’t receive previews so that they could get their products prototyped and ready for mass production, and they would not have been a priority recipient of chips, meaning they

I think he’s just a fucking moron.

You know anti-competitive behavior only hurts consumers, right? Or are you such a brand-whore that you’re OK with that, as long as your side wins?

But Asus has built the ROG brand itself as its gaming oriented lineup. nVidia hasn’t contributed to growing that brand aside from providing components for some of the hardware under that brand, so what right does nVidia have to declare that Asus can only advertise nVidia cards under the ROG brand? Also, where does

Obvious scum move from nVidia. This isn’t about transparency, it’s about forcing mid to smaller brands to go exclusive with them, and forcing big brands to consider the costs of building an entire new brand only to sell AMD cards.

Good. The most egregious part, in my opinion, is the clause that

One side should have a ramp to jump over the other side to make the switch. Add some spice to the commute.

This is a really good point. I think we’ve all seen people get berated for not knowing something in the car world, when people could have easily just been helpful.