
I admit to a certain amount of skepticism about this story as presented. I’m skeptical that a flight attendant would really “insist” that a live animal be stowed in the overhead bin, and I’m skeptical as to why any sane pet owner would actually stow their pet in the overhead bin. Also, while United “assume[d] full

I feel bad for this guy.

If their decision is data driven, I am all for them getting rid of booth babes. However, if it is just driven by the modern counter to women’s sexual revolution, I’ll be on the front lines protesting their decision. As I noted in another post, eliminating booth babes can help business, but as someone who used to pay

What always amazes me about those who are so quick to judge others is how little self-awareness they have of their own arrogance.

Why embarrassing?

It’s called choreography. Have you ever heard about it? An whoever should put a porn actress and an exposition model on the same level, should seek for some psychiatric help, and soon.

1)Disney/Hollywood Big Movies cost hundreds of millions of dollars to make.

I hope they’re not expecting to rely on user reviews to put a bit of order in the eshop where currently everything is being thrown in all together with barely any sorting, classifying or categories. At the rate at which things are being released (well, mostly ported...) on the Switch, this is going to be mega messy

I’m atheistic, but it’s people like you who feel the need to constantly tout your smugness and feelings of superiority over those who you deem to be below you intellectually who give atheists such an overall negative connotation with people. You felt so strongly of your self-importance that you thought it would be a

With the quality of our in-car displays today, I’d expect some manufacturer to provide a detailed and animated schematic that highlights and labels the problem. You know, like a damage report screen on Star Trek.

Leave it to Fiat to perfect service lights.

I mean, I pretend to work and get paid, so I can’t hate...

So.. it’s anime Robot Chicken?

Crack pipe is correct.

Same. I used to be fat. Specifically just into the obese category. I thought it was ok. Just a little bad right? Compared to the worst of people it was nothing!

I’m a fatty. I come from a family of fatties. I weigh a lot and am trying to get my weight down and it’s hard. It makes me feel bad when I see a picture of myself.

This purrfect skin is opurrating at mechximum catpacity.

I know the picture is just for reference, but i always felt borderlands2's ellie quite a decent representation of the larger lady, yeah she was big but she was a badass and ready to whoop anyone who said otherwise

All the chopped onions, in a good way.

Great story, and I’m happy to see this continued increase of “faith for humanity” stories. Nice job Guild Wars/ArenaNet.