“Marc Marquez 5’6″ (left) and Joan Barreda 5’11” (right) shown here sitting on the new Africa Twin.”
“Marc Marquez 5’6″ (left) and Joan Barreda 5’11” (right) shown here sitting on the new Africa Twin.”
I’ve lived in or around DC since January 2007 and every season through every coach and every QB there’s been the ignorant “Hail to the Redskins!” chant on social media. “This is the year!” #httr!
I am the Brad from this year’s WYTS of the Redskins. I was born after our Super Bowls. I can’t remember RFK; my first memories of the games came in the dismal dark stagnation of the Chairman Dan era.
I hate this team. More precisely, I despise Dan Snyder to the point of ridiculous cruelty. If his children pre-deceased…
To summarize your post: football fans are pathetic and Washington football fans even more so.
IN certain states, in a 3 wheeled motorcycle, they dont apply. By law.
Other than that... free country, liberty sometimes hurt, butt thats the nice thing. You get to decide acceptable risk.
I like to play this every now and then when I need a good laugh
Any truth to the rumor that those tarped-off areas at the top of the stadium actually house Dan Snyder’s horses, which he routinely fucks, because Dan Snyder Fucks Horses?
So a group of people dominated an area for many years until outsiders moved in, took over everything, and routinely massacred the original inhabitants. Interesting.
Yeah, bet she’s got pointy elbows too.
I feel like Snoop rising up out of the coffin at the ‘94 MTV Music Awards.
Joke’s on you because Sarah from Halifax actually won $1 million on DraftKings.
[sees horrible injuries inflicted on collie]
Problem with electric vehicles is that it is not economically sound and feasible whatsover.
Are you certain that the Temple tapes aren’t Sandusky at a Bar Mitzvah?
So its Tinder. For men who self loath. What a game-changer.
Seriously - creeps and aggressive weirdos aside, women only seem to want to initiate contact in theory, not in practice.
It’s really kind of funny and maybe a bit telling that women don’t like Bumble. “Oh look! A bunch of dudes that I don’t have to sort through the creeps and get creep messages. Oh, wait, now I have to be the one with an interesting conversation starter? FUCK NO.”
Colts’ bolts jolt dolts.
“Some people don’t have easy access to printers or smart phones”
Yeah, but is this response ELITE?