Yuji Ide

Having done both, you’re racing the track in both disciplines. Perhaps moreso on an oval as the line gets rubbered in with much greater offline clag.

Average cup race is 4-5 hours long and 400-500 miles. Or, you know, 1000km,the length of most “endurance” races. There’s no driver’s changes, and they’re dealing with a whole lot more g-loading. What makes that different than an “endurance” series. Racing is racing.

If you’re single, and don’t have at least a few friends you hang out with on the regular, that’s bad.

Run away, x2.

Yea. It’s kinda weird. Most people start basic “relationships” around 14-15 years old. You’re dealing with high school freshman level shit and nearly pushing 30.

You know what the best part is? All of the people that bitched about the France family buying up the remains of the ALMS, the merger, the whining, etc. You know who the only other interested party was? Scott Tucker.

Do we drink these before or after we stand on a table in a bikini and have our sisters circle all the bad spots on our body?

Editing. Jalopnik. Good one.

For fuck’s sake dude. It’s not “fat shaming”. You have a team of engineers spending millions of dollars on a 7 figure race bike, working to reduce and minimize the weight of every single component, shrink the battery down to its minimum weight, get the center of gravity as low as you can, working everything down to

They know their demo.

Check out the Icon Oildale. It’s about 300 bucks. Same waxed canvas, similar athletic cut, full D30 armor in the back, shoulder, elbows, etc.

Seriously. I swim, spar, run, and do tons of squats. I have no problem with straight leg or even some skinny raw selvedge denim. Most guys that bitch about this are just fat.

And look like $12 dollar jeans you bought at Old Navy in 1999.

Pretty much any good riding denim/selvedge is going to start at around $350, so they’’re really not out of line with the market. Hell, my good raw selvedge non bike stuff all runs north of $200. Also, not sure what you’re looking at, but those are all straight leg jeans. Nothing on there is “skinny” cut.

That’s never happened to you. Just admit it.

Which is why they’re doing what they’re doing. It’s glorified heat racing.

I’ve always considered that argument to be a sort of humblebrag. “Oh, well, yea, *you* could ride a bike like that because you’re a pussy and wouldn’t open it up, but *I’m* too hardcore and would go balls out all the time and kill myself!” I hear it a lot from guys that don’t ride and try to justify it.

Slowing down enough to get honked at and use flashers is enough to make yourself a liability out there.

That’s a little much. It’s water, not ice. As long as you’re on decent street tires and not racing slicks or bald, corded out pieces of shit, you’ll be just fine in the wet. Back up your braking zones, be gentle in the turns and don’t try any sort of aggressive lean angles. Really nothing to it.

The old one held a keg.