Sounds like your immediate family needs to learn how to ride.
Sounds like your immediate family needs to learn how to ride.
Hairline fracture vs a compound. AKA tape and splint vs surgery.
Okay, lemme ask, how?
Thank you. Biggest thing that irks me about bikes is this pervasive mentality to repeat bullshit from 40+ years ago as if its gospel. It’s 2015, tire companies aren’t sticking rubber out there that can kill someone in the first 100 miles.
Don’t waste your time. Do at least the CB500. Unless you’ve never ridden anything at all with 2 wheels, those little 250s will bore you to tears within a week. They don’t go, they don’t stop, they don’t corner, their ergos are just “eh” and they’ve got third world build quality.
Clutch in, clutch in, clutch in, CLUTCH THE FUCK IN.
Done similar. 28 degrees in the midwest and brand new tires. I looked at the bike and said “this is going to be a really stupid way to die”.
Likewise actually. The Mike On 1000 line is pretty great, I’ve got a number of pieces from them.
Truly a mesmermizing individual.
Doesn’t like bikes, does the lame-ass parking lot thing instead of real W2W.
Eh, I’ve owned 100 dollar boots, as well as Scorpion gear. It’ll do in a pinch, but it’s not something I’d pay money for a second time.
Nothing, provided you’re still of the age where you’d be carded to get into a PG13 movie.
300 dollar leather jacket? Ew. Do you look like an 8 year old wearing daddy’s suit jacket, or like a sausage link?
Gringo and Bonanza. The Bullitt is a full face.
Given the target demo in the article, I’d imagine it rhymes with “Mike On”.
Okay, I’ll bite, what’s “asshole” about jeans and a leather jacket? I mean, I see from your name you have an e36, so I imagine you wear a XXL untucked tshirt and a pair of cargo shorts like a fucking 14 year old, but seriously, what’s wrong with proper tapered jeans and a nice sport cut bit of leather?
Amen. Between the ICON 1000 line and this new Alpinestars stuff, I’m loving the “armored hipster” look. Full D30 CE armor, but I can look like a normal, fashionable human being when I get off the bike. I don’t have to wear something with a massive ALPINESTARS or DAINESE logo plastered all over it. It’s an expensive…
This looks to cost about the same as most middle of the road motorcycle gear. What clearance rack cycle-gear shit are you wearing?
It undercuts the bonnie by 3k and is well within the impulse buy range. That’s the selling point. Dunno what it’s like around you, but a 3k 30 year old UJM is a project bike at this point.