Yuji Ide

You into middle linebackers?

You sound kinda thirsty.

Good call. Fuck proper barriers and safety measures on the cars.

Yea, no, you’re generally not expecting to get hurt or maimed as someone spectating at a sporting event. What planet are you on?

Ben Collins, a BTCC driver, and a guy who wore a white suit on a popular british car-based comedy show you may have heard of was brought in as a consultant for the game, openly criticized the wet handling model, and was practically run off of the WMD forum by the fanboys. That alone should tell you all you need to

If you wanna go baaaack in the day, the old GTR/GTR2 games, Nascar 2003, ARCA sim racing, etc, followed by Rfactor. Rfactor has always been a good old standard, which I still play a number of the good mods to this day, even if it is certainly showing its age. Assetto Corsa has been in my rotation a bunch lately, as

Are you asking what games/sims I play?

I’d be angry if I paid money for that garbage. It’s a 60% finished broken beta of a game that’s been delayed for nearly 2 years. What sort of idiot would pay money for that? Going into it, anyone with two functional synapses already knows that the game will be garbage. I bought the Shift games half a decade ago, they

I agree. He was scrappy, and had a real workmanlike personality to him. He may not have had the raw, journalistic ability of a Stephen A Smith or a Howard Bryant, but he had great intelligence.


G27 and a T500. It’s not the setup, it’s the crap grip model. Same shit they’ve done in the past 3 games they made. God bless torrent sites.

Yes, play the game. It’s awful. It’s the same “boats on ice with concrete tires” crap that NFS:Shift was doing 6 years ago. Same engine and all. The FFB is trash, the physics suck, and the AI is garbage.

Wait, do you actually think that 2wd cars can’t rally?

As a dude with a lifted pickup, chicks love step ups. As much as I enjoy a chick in a short skirt trying to climb up in, they don’t seem to be fans of it.

To give Cadillac and Buick dealers pickup trucks to sell.

Seriously, I *hate* the aftermarket trend of debadged truck grills. Makes it look like you bought a 20 dollar ghetto billet kit off ebay to stick on your 50k truck.

Pineapple express, baby.

The rolldown window is seriously the coolest feature in my truck. It’s like an automatic beercan disposal system into the bed.

Do the research on the car you want. Call your credit union, get financed. Walk into a decent dealership with said check, haggle a bit, walk out.

Too many damn stevens.