A white woman in a movie is diversity to you? You have terminal brain worms
*hurls DVD of “Blue Crush” at you*
The AV Club is getting rebooted.
They care about Baltimore like they care about The Troops: only when it's convenient
Almost all shipping into the US is foreign-flagged. Singapore would not be first on my list of flags to worry about. In a relative way, the US merchant fleet is almost non-existent.
The funny one I saw was complaining that Biden’s infrastructure bill did nothing to keep this from happening, like all the money in the world was gonna reinforce a bridge against a damn cargo ship running into it.
A busy bridge in Baltimore collapsed early Tuesday morning following a collision with a cargo ship.
Anne Hathaway is smokin’ hot. She looks gorgeous! I would say she looks better now than when she was 25. Leave her alone.
I’m just going to assume, for the sake of not bashing my head against a wall, that you aren’t saying we should hate Anne Hathaway because you found an episode of Between Two Ferns she was on “cringe.”
Totally mystifying to me. She was even a great Catwoman! She is plenty cool enough for me
Even at the time I never understood what everyone hated about her. It was all nothing but juvenile meanness and never made sense. She’s never had any scandal or anything that would indicate she was a bad person; she didn’t deserve that.
Agreed. Ahsoka was so boring, it killed any interest I had in “let’s explore to limits of the Jedi way and teachings,” and I didn’t even watch the damn show.
The trailer is kinda mid. All the tropes are there.
It looks so blah. And Star Wars is so much better without Jedi and Sith.
The “boop/beep” thing was a direct insult to Pedro Pascal, after he put pronouns in his bio as a show of support for his trans sister. Publicly attacking the star of the hugely successful show you somehow landed a part on is exactly the kind of stupid-as-shit career move that leads directly to working for Ben Shapiro.
You’re right, you aren’t the smartest person in the world. Tesla pays its employees money for their labor, and those employees pay taxes on that labor income. Once the employees get the money, it’s no longer Tesla’s.
who do you think a sales tax-only system hurts more? the poor person barely scraping by who suddenly has to pay 20% more for their food and other living essentials? or the guy with $207 billion in net worth.
I think income taxes should be done away with and only sales taxes remains.
Shit, that photo. He’s so desperate to be liked.