
If you cannot tell the difference between a country defending itself from terrorist attack and an invading force destroying homes, schools and hospitals, targeting civilians, particularly children, denying displaced people access to food aid, I’m not sure there is anything that can be said to you.

You know Israel’s an American colony, right? $3.8 billion a year, baby! 

Why the fuck are they doing it, then? And this takes significantly more effort than “thoughts and prayers” online

You’ve really got a bee in your bonnet about people trying to stop genocide huh

Musk may be on the autism spectrum (I haven’t heard him say that or seen a doctors report to prove that statement), but that doesn’t change the fact that he’s a massive piece of shit and a horrible human being. He’s also made plenty of blatantly dishonest statements, so your statement that “he says what he means and

Yup. But I’d argue it’s even worse for a hypocrite: he clearly sees the problem with the Saudi regime (that’s good!) but has no trouble gorging himself on that sweet bone-saw oil money (that’d bad!).

He reeks of the stench of hypocrisy, jealousy, and entitlement.

Is it really a controversy to say Biden is old as fuck and also shouldn’t be president or running again?

His criticism of Biden, to me, felt more like a coach frustrated with a player on his team not performing to expectations.

I expect the number of people swayed towards Trump because Stewart commented on what’s readily evident about Biden is approximately zero.

I truly have no hope for this country if that first segment is considered controversial.

Right?  Every criticism of Biden was followed up with Trump doing the exact same thing.  Did anyone complaining actually watch it? 

I remember Jon making it pretty clear Biden’s not nearly as bad as Trump.

Most audience members were surprised by the ending, which set up a continuation of the story.”

Bitching about bothsiderism is exactly the same as the MAGA whataboutism mindset.

Except that’s not what Stewart did. He didn’t say “this makes him as bad a Trump” and to claim otherwise is putting words in his mouth. Pointing out the obvious, including clips of him mentally melting down in the middle of the press briefing held to demonstrate his mental acuity does not make him a Trump supporter. 

I guess they missed that his criticism of Trump also included that he’s a fascist piece of shit, but hey, get mad because your side insisted on a useless old fossil in order to beat a malevolent old fossil. That is totally Stewart’s fault. Totally.

People criticizing Jon Stewart for saying things that sound exactly like the takes you would expect from Jon Stewart on The Daily Show feels like a throwback to 20 years ago.

He’s pointing out the absurdity of the situation we’re currently in. I also see it as a call to demand better of our politicians going forward.

This was my takeaway. “WTF, Olbermann is still talking?”