
Saying systemic racism exist is not assigning blame to anyone it is merely recognizing that it exist. No one person created the system, it was group effort. To say that “most” white people don’t have systemic power is nonsense, the corridors of power where those policies were created were almost exclusively white and

If you’re agreeing with Andrew Sullivan on this issue, you should maybe read some American History. Debunked stats? He cites redlining, which was a very real thing that existed well into my lifetime that barred Blacks and Latinos from purchasing property in certain neighborhoods. That is systemic racism. Also there is

I cant imagine the shit storm in America if we tried to do something productive and progressive like this.
Durr how come they wont pay for my pickup truck?- duurrr fucking socialism..., more handouts for the poor....

“Stalker elf”?  Are you having some kind of mental breakdown?  Do I need to call someone?

Biden’s approval numbers make a complete lie out of the idea that policy or accomplishment matters or that if we just “deliver for the American people” we’ll be successful.

So you’re an idiot. Good to know.

you should have supported a stronger candidate to begin with”

Cry some more.  Nitpicking semantics about what to call people in their late teens completely misses the point that young people are being gunned down at an alarming rate.

But that’s always the answer and it has been for decades. All the while the left creeps closer to the right in the name of “bipartisanship”

If you have to wrap your candidate in bubble wrap to protect them, maybe...pick a better candidate?  But I’m not a highly paid election consultant.  What do I know?

So I mostly agree with you. I think the main issue a lot of people have is that we’re being forced into a pretty crappy choice with this old dude with a fading memory who is all in on Palestinian genocide. It sucks.

Is it attacking? Or criticizing? Failing to hold our own to account is worse than going after the opposition. Shouldn’t we care whether or not our side is holding up its bargain? Or are they just using us for votes every four years?

Who the fuck ungreyed your moldy ass?

Wow. You're a very emotional snowflake 

You are a massive part of the problem.  Its not that he’s old, its that he’s in major mental decline.  YOU are one of the reasons the Democratic Party is in this mess.  You want to pretend like it isn’t happening when it clearly is.   

On one hand, you’re right that Trump presents a threat but also I feel like every remotely political comedian (that’s not right-wing) has spent the last ~4 years harping on that. We know. We ALL know. I would however agree with Jon that just because we don’t want Trump, doesn’t mean we should be closing our fucking

Lol, comment section here is exactly what I expected.

A bunch of whining that “the stakes are too high” to make fun of Joe Biden. Once again: it is not the media’s job, nor has it ever been the media’s job, to overlook the flaws in your favorite candidate just because you view it as necessary for the greater good. If

If 18 and 19 year olds aren’t children, why aren’t they allowed to drink.

What if I told you that it’s not a comedian talk show host’s job to do Joe any favors?

Donald Trump isn’t an existential threat. He’s a known threat. If anyone votes for him at this point, it’s a vote for the continued destruction of America as an institution. And putting Joe Biden as the alternate choice is the Democrats giving every single person who hasn’t already made up their mind every reason they