It’s a shame they don’t revise the property to be just a Star Wars themed hotel for the guests of the park to stay there, removing the LARPing aspect. It would still be fun for fans and kids.
I tried going back through twitter to find where I saw it, but someone broke down the actual cost of the WGA demands per each studios respective most recent profits...and the HIGHEST was 0.1%, most were well under that.
Stunning isn’t even apt, the level of disgusting, blatantly offensive greed here is truly astounding.
There was a Guardian article that tallied up all the wage increases being requested, and it came up to like $500 million. Compared to over $200 billion in profit across the industry, that equates to half a percent. That’s all the hit in profits they’d need to take in order to end the strikes.
his producers are likely the ones that are actively terrible people that make sure Joe talks to other terrible people
It’s almost as if Joe Rogan were a vacuous douchebag with no real expertise or strong opinion on any topic; a “go with the flow” kind of bro who routinely spouts a bunch of nonsense that millions of fellow vacuous bros find “entertaining.”
Much respect for calling out NES TMNT as the objectively bad game that it is. The TMNT license is the only reason this game survives in our collective consciousness, because it sure as hell isn’t the gameplay.
My memory is shit these days, but I’m pretty sure that both TMNT and fucking Battletoads are the reasons my 11-12 year old self bought a Game Genie.
for all that people rag on the Tiger Electronics-style LCD games - that top TMNT one was worth some serious playground cred.
Global EV sales continue to grow exponentially year over year. The EU and China have regulations in place to disallow ICE sales after 2030/2035. They also have incentives to promote the transition.
In my view, the ‘early adopter’ stage ended about 5 years ago.
Ten years ago, virtually zero per cent of vehicle buyers were thinking about getting an EV. There was a survey of 20,000 vehicle owners by EY a few months ago that showed nearly 50% of those in the US were planning to get an EV within 24 months.
THANK YOU! The dam level is not hard. I beat it at age 7 for the first time and once I had I never struggled with it again.
His comment feels like a passive-aggressive swipe at Villeneuve, which is dumb. Villeneuve has a better sense of imagery than Scott, and I’m not convinced that a Scott-directed 2049 would’ve been the right choice.
Have you looked at apartments lately? My town more than an hour outside of Atlanta is about $1,500 minimum for an old 1BR. $1,400 for new construction would be an absolute steal since most of those go for over $2,000.
Bud Light and M&M’s and Mr. Potato Head and Aunt Jemima and Disney and Colin Kapernik and Costa Coffee and the Barbie Movie and Every Single Book Ever Written About LGBT People and I could go on for HOURS.
So... as you get older this changes. Especially if you buy a house or some other form of “I’m going to live here for a long-ass time.”