That scenes with the boat issues are relatively short. If need be you could even skip right past them as little is contributed to the overall story.
That scenes with the boat issues are relatively short. If need be you could even skip right past them as little is contributed to the overall story.
With all the momentum behind it, it seem inevitable. However i would love an upset, as of the list of ten, imho it is only the 4th best. At the same time would not be upset if it won, as it is a solid top 4 (Tar, Women Talking, Banshies, EEAAO. In that order)
What i want season 2 to be. Is the second season of an expanded 5 season series.
Cost analysis comes from the IEA, International Energy Agency. If you want to take them on and their analysis please feel free to go bang no their foot door. So yeah you can wax about a few examples, it does not change the fact that as a whole they are most expensive forms of power generated.
Not going to shut up about out of date, expensive, and inefficient tech.
Thankful nuclear is not going to be part of the equation (too expensive, and too much time and regulatory hurdles and no SMRs are never going to be a thing)
If only this show was that. The acting and the dialogue are beyond wooden. There is nothing interesting about the main character. Even the situation he stumbles into are trite, and poorly executed.
other then the someone asking the creators of the show about the character once a year, my assumption would be that a near plurality of people have forgotten about the character and her role on the show.
1st Gear
Not to get pedantic here but
normalized, sanctioned, ubiquitous, red hot racism against white people.
I am still at a complete loss why any automotive regulatory agency is allowing this software to be beta tested on the roads.
I am shocked (when i should nto be) that so may people forget that little aspect about drivers training and the drivers test.
Calling out blatant societal and structural issues is not being racist against whites. It is simply, finally, and appropriately calling out the issues.
Not to mention that while in grid lock, the EV is drawing minimum power (interior lighting and equipment. Which if manufactures already doo not, it would be good to have a low power consumption mode for emergencies) while and Ice is still sucking juice draining thee tank faster, that is if they keep it running.
He was maybe the third lead of the movie, that is why. Michelle is the over all lead. Quan was a supporting role to the lead.
You are right grades dont mean anything, but these are still kids, who are having to compete grades wise for post-secondary placement. Grades are very much the most important thing.
Going to start this with the acknowledgement that the following is a very specific situation.
The DuckTales reboot is a thing of beauty. Everything about it is elevated, and dare i say better. The updated song is amazing. The writing on the show is top level, with some of the sharpest humour, the the point of having to stop and go “oh my god, i can’t believe they were able to get away with that”
it is all so maddening and stupid.