I think based on the fact you got your ass handed to you, you owe him a bit of a handy.
Meowington Hax. . . I am really confused at the name. Blah, whatever though. As long as it pisses off uptight Ferrari fans, than I guess I am a go with whatever he is doing!
Possibly, but nothing gets manly men car guys angrier than 15 year old anime girls on the side of powerful cars! It always makes lulz everytime, in a good way!
Yeah but he would be in North America doing it, which would awesome!!!
No I agree, Ferrari is being completely stupid. It is his car, and he can do whatever he wants with it. It is just that I am not a fan of his music, and this car just seems a bit too try hard. So i am doubley not a big fan. He should have gone 10/10ths and brought out the itasha. That would have really pissed some…
I hate both of them, but deadmau5 is trying WAY too hard here. He should instead do GT racing and then make a racing livery out of the Nyan cat. THAT would be awesome.
Well I never really read jalopnik, so I don't really mind.
I agree with you.
Boxers are more expensive to make then inline 4s. . .
Nah, you are alright. Until we meet again!
No! This is!
What motorcycle's nick name is YourStereotypicalIndian?
Dude. My Name.
Just cause I am brown I have to be related to poop?
Dude, you didn't make a point. Instead you look like a giant douche...
I bet this gets you off.
Do you like it up the butt?