your friendly pedicatrician

I had three kids with a certified nurse midwife and heartily recommend them for well woman care and pregnancy/birth. I think the huge issue with the CPM, which is a midwife that isn’t necessarily someone with the same level of training as a certified professional midwife a CPM, often isn’t subject to the same level of

Shout out to the amazing nurses I’ve worked with over the years. One major point (and reason why I support unionizing hospital nursing staff) — nurses lift. Heavy. Patients. The amount of injuries that nurses have been subject to over the years due to hospitals not paying for lifting equipment (or enough lifting

You had a horrible, horrible medical provider. They come in all specialties (even peds!). I don’t think it was the fact that she was a CNMW that caused her to be crappy. It was that she was a crap provider.

It is so much more cost-effective to use certified nurse midwives and require a referral to an OB if complications arise. I’ve actually seen Medicaid adopt this approach in terms of cost control without hurting (actually improving) quality of care.

I actually think the midwife model of care with certified nurse midwives is fantastic. Both of my kids were delivered by CNMs and the training and education they go through (and regulation and licensure) is top notch. I do not think direct entry midwives are a good idea because as a consumer you just don’t know what

With these women? Have you seen the show? The reaction was in the range of normal. Bethenny had a breakdown over someone offering her meatballs for goodness sake. This is not a normal world.

Disagree. I would be mightily pissed if I was sleeping naked, sleepily went to the bathroom and heard something in a room that should be empty, walked in to see and saw a naked guy sleeping. Nope, I would be freaked out. Yes, it’s a reality show so there were crew around, but in terms of safety, people do get hurt on

I will say this as someone who is married with kids. While there are benefits of being married in terms of that extra person, having to be on the same page with the other parent and having to make sure you are moving in lock step is one of the most challenging things about not doing this by myself. Sometimes I think

Oh yes. It was such ish. Looking back, I was a freaked out 18 year old and was taken advantage of by the people I was paying to educate and protect me. If I knew then what I knew now, I’d probably have filed a civil rights complaint and demanded documentation of their threats. But that’s the tricky thing with power.

They were convinced there was a link between us. The Dean of Students even banned me from the bookstore and threatened to have me suspended until I basically noted that this was discipline and I wasn’t being given any due process and they had no cause to proceed. They caved after that. I spent the next three years

I reported my college ID stolen (taken off of a cafeteria tray I had forgotten to grab before dropping it off to be cleaned off). I went out of town that weekend with the Marching Band. I get back on Sunday night and the police arrived at my dorm...not with my ID but rather to question me. Seems like the dirt bag who

This is a woman who is suing for sole custody from a man who by all intents is a decent father. I just can’t with the Halle Berry type nonsense. If you were a grown up, you would have paid whatever it took to work out a healthy co-parenting relationship as quickly as possible. The cost wasn’t worth it. Gross, gross,

Oh, no Bo. He didn’t ask for sole custody (according to my gossip rags). He asked for joint custody. It went ugly right after the sole custody came out. It even went to trial (her bid for sole custody). The judge apparently strongly encouraged them to make a parenting plan and settle the dispute, which she finally

Life’s difficult when you try to pull a Halle Berry. The sole custody stunt did me in for Betheny. People underestimate what a guy will do to stay in his kids’ life.

Oh, this is so me. I love kids! I even spend my day with sick kids and still want them! My wife never, ever wanted kids until she met me. our relationship is definitely one of equals (who outsource. A lot). She admitted that she wouldn't have put herself in a position to be the default everything.

I actually view the regulatory issues with abortion providers through the same lens. The government has every right and indeed obligation to regulate medical care so it is safe. But the whole focusing on ability to obtain privileges (which is political as all hell) on the one hand while allowing this to go on defies

But the thing is even pretending you are providing medical services (unlicensed practice) is a crime in most states. That's what I don't understand. If they are providing medical opinions, I don't understand (beyond the obvious political issue) why the Boards aren't stepping into this.

What I do not understand, as a physician, is how these places operate. Do the state medical boards or nursing boards have any authority over this nonsense? Because I seriously do not understand how the hell they can even purport to provide medical services to these women.